MYO Info

dh3amre-8df99a31-625a-4af7-9b6f-80d554b7 dh3amqu-f302516e-332c-4bd4-a899-bd388fc8

MYO Tickets are continiusly open for now! Check out the forums to buy one with USD here!
Tickets are also available in the in-game shop tab for Stars! This currencty is gained from doing art of the species + events.
When making a design: we recommend doing a clothed version for the humanoid form + smaller for pattern reference! To get a design approved- join the discord and fill out the form in the MYO-Ckeck channel! Traditional art can be used for redeeming stars + event prizes but design refs must be digital.
Once Designs are approved with the number- for final approval, add them to this world + have their masterlist number on their profile (EX. MYO #2038) The 'MYO' must be in front of the number to differentiate from Offical Staff Designs.
As of September 2023: Designs that go in for approval (MYO, Updated, Redesign, Humanoid for Shift Form) MUST be clothed.