Amare Home World

Homeworld Info: Amare

The Mother Planet of Quintovos

Quintovos originate from the world called Amare, which is a planet that had rapid advancements thanks to the Vesuvians. The Vesuvians were allies and the Quintovo's first species to meet. The two planets worked hand in hand and grew space travel outside their solar system together. However, Vesuvia was destroyed with their people-now Amare is the only inhabited world in their solar system. Also because of the Vesuvians, a lot of the environment has been left intact, as the Quintovos have technology to keep it thriving. In their language, the word "amare" has two meanings; world and love. It's often speculated that this is due to the saying "you mean the world to me."

On the planet of Amare, Quintovos were on top of the food chain. For some reason though, they adapted a second, humanoid form, which helped them develop society and technology. Then, when the Vesuvians landed, the two species began an allyship that allowed for combining language, beliefs, and advanced technology. The Quintovos advanced rapidly, valuing peace and knowledge as well as their bond with the Vesuvians. When the Vesuvian’s planet collapsed, the Quintovos continued on with their goals, sharing technology and exploring what space had to offer-- which is why they travel across galaxies to find new, habitable planets.

Old World Info