Upgrades Shop

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Stomach Objects Upgrade $5.00
The stomach objects upgrade allows for the nyandroid to be able to hold any type of object inside their stomach cavity. Objects can be suspended in fluid, or can rest on their own. You can have the object be anything you want, unless it is: Organs/gore, NSFW objects, or Illegal substances. Stomach Objects upgrade is a one time purchase per MYO.


Code Breaker $5.00
Installing the Code Breaker upgrade into your Nyandroid will allow parts of its code to become glitched and its particles to bug out. Code breakers do not harm the nature of the Nyandroid, only the apperence. You decide where the code glitches out. The Code Breaker upgrade is a one time purchase per MYO.


Organic chip $5.00
The organic chip upgrade allows for the user to install organic parts onto the Nyandroid. These include: Ears, Limbs, and fur. Tails cannot be made organic. The Organic chip upgrade is a one time purchase per MYO.


C1AW.exe virus $10.00
WARNING: The effects of the C1AW.exe virus are irreversible and will cause your Nyandroid to function improperly. Intalling the C1AW.exe virus will cause your Nyandroids programming to run rouge, leading to red eyes, red markings, agressive behaviors, and disobedience of commands. All infected Nyandroids must be discarded IMMEDIATELY


Antiviral software $10.00
Coming soon....


Holoimbs upgrade $10.00
The Hololimbs upgrade allows for the users choice of how many limbs get to become holographic. Hololimbs are transparent and appear very digital. Hololimbs can be attached or detached from the body, hovering like a hologram. Hololimbs are a one time purchase per MYO.


Face Visor $10.00
The face visor upgrade allows for the standard Nyandroid head to become either a fullscreen or eye-screen visor. Facial expressions are expressed through emoticons and digital versions of the nyandroids eyes and mouth. Face visors are a one time purchase per MYO.