Cult of Neo-Masonry

  • Logo: an all-seeing-eye surrounded by five compasses gathered in the shape of a star, typically set against a purple background 

An emergent spiritual movement that originally spawned from a schismatic lodge of Freemasons, with which still shares the initiatory order. Anyone, human or otherwise, is welcome to join the cult as long as they are practitioners of magic and firmly believe in a vague, superior being called “The Supreme Architect”, who supposedly created magic and shaped the universe as we know it. Reaching a deeper understanding of magic is thus a way to achieve harmony with the universe and become closer to the Supreme Architect; scientific research on the other hand is deemed as a mere recreational activity, which is ultimately pointless, a distraction in the path towards arcane knowledge and true enlightenment.
Therefore, Neo-Masons shun the use of technology and look at technomancers and people of science with pity; sometimes they are quite vocal about "correcting" such people, but it remains a pacific movement. Unfortunately they are sometimes in direct competition with the Guardians of Gaea for securing important (and potentially dangerous) magical artifacts. Additionally, they don’t shy away from practices of Dark Magic, which also raise concerns among the Guardian’s high echelons.