✦┋species info



The main and most populous species in all of Gaze. They were created by the deities from celestial bodies and star matter, given physical form. They take the form of an anthropomorphic animal, and the only hint to their origin is that some of their extremities will turn see-through with visible star bits under certain lighting conditions. Since they are made of star matter, they do not need to eat or sleep like most organic beings, but can do so for pleasure reasons. They have no concept of gender and can be any gender presentation they desire. All lustrians, regardless of subspecies, have star-shaped paw pads in the color of their flicker core.

Lustrian anatomy: Lustrians don't really have blood and bones - instead, they have star matter made up of the same material as their flicker core. A lustrian's paws and flicker core may share a color. Pictured are two examples of what this may look like.

Lustrian reincarnation: There exists an ethereal plane beyond our mortal one that mortals normally can't see. When lustrians die, their stars fade out; however, certain powerful souls who feel they still have a purpose in the world may end up in the ethereal plane instead and are then at the mercy of the deities. The deities may then decide to grant a lustrian a second chance at life, in a new body. This is known as reincarnation. Many lustrians lose their memory upon reincarnation.

Flicker cores: All lustrians are born with a flicker core, which makes up their entire self. Lustrians are essentially immortal and do not age, but can die if their flicker core fades out. The flicker core is found in the same place where the heart would be found in a human.


Basically the premature form of a lustrian, flickers are represented by singular stars in the sky. Each flicker is born from one star before being given its final form by a deity. They do not have the same abilities as fully-formed lustrians and so lack the power to manipulate arca.



Six deities created all of Gaze, the worlds within it and its inhabitants. These deities were originally angels, mutated after being blessed with the power of arca. Each one watches over a particular arctype and was responsible for its creation.

There are six known deities: Fiore, Ocean, Flora, Morgan, Aero and Cosmo. Theses names are not their actual names, but are translated roughly into English for ease of understanding.



Angels are pure white in appearance with red accents and each has a "halo" and at least one pair of wings. They typically do not resemble any real-world creature. They inherently possess arca at their core and their arca being drained is the cause of their colorless appearance. Without arca, they become destructive creatures and must be destroyed. When defeated, the color returns to their form.



Demons have felid and canid subtypes, possessing a coat of fur most commonly in a black-and-white chromatic color, but other dark colors are also common. They possess a pair of horns and often also a pair of feathered wings, though not all demons are born with wings. Their ears and tails depend on the subtype of demon--felid demons possess pointed ears and a thick, long tail, while canid demons' ears are more rounded and their tails much shorter. Demons also have a head of mane, usually black in color, though this is not guaranteed and many dye their manes.

Demons in Gaze are a naturally aggressive species prone to infighting. Many demons are antisocial, but several may flock together to form families. These families tend to combat each other, proving their worth and deeming their own views of the world as the "correct" one and ridiculing all others, going so far as to wish death on those who disagree.

Demons also possess a variety of special powers, ranging from superlustrian strength to immortality. Demons cannot die from old age or disease, and may only die when forcefully killed by another member of their own race. They can become seriously injured from other sources, but they will not die; only the power of a demon is strong enough to drive another demon out. They are also proficient in the use of weapons, and a demon fighting with only their bare fangs and claws is not common.


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On the desert planet of Reliqua, diggers seek out treasures using equipment such as large drills. These creatures act as companions to diggers, and they have several different forms each based on a different arctype. Since they are creatures made from arca, they eat gems rather than plants or meat like most creatures. Their horns are good at picking up treasures for their diet, which makes them very helpful for diggers. They are given scarves to show that they belong to a digger team, usually with the digger team's insignia on it.

Their horns and teeth are made of arcanite--good to cut into gems for consumption.