✦┋lore info


Arca is this world's form of magic. Derived from the word "arcane", all arca is, at its core, a form of light. The act of casting magic is known as "drawing light" and is something all living creatures are able to do, but it is a skill that must be learned and not something they are born innately knowing. Drawing light is considered an art form, and basic arca can be cast without any special techniques but more complex spells will require drawing runes or other methods. Runes can be created with anything where images are formed, such as constellations in the night sky for example.

Individual elements are referred to as arctypes, and many creatures specialize in only one arctype but multiple can be learned over time. There are 6 known colors (elements) of arctype--nova (light, yellow), apex (shadow, purple), aura (wind, light blue), ruin (fire, red), core (earth, green), and soul (water, dark blue).

Concentrated sources of arca can be found in the form of arcanite, a super-tough material that can break even diamond. These can come in several colors corresponding to the element of arctype.


A soul is tethered to the deity that created them; this determines what arctype they are most obviously allied to. This is most commonly seen in lustrians.


An ability that lets one see anywhere in any world. It only works for up to 10 minutes in a 48-hour period, however.

Months and Dates

Each deity governs over a two-month period corresponding to real-world months. In addition, each two-month period is associated with the arctype that each deity controls, and each date celebrates the "coming" of each deity as prophesized in legends of old. The chart as converted into Gaze language is as follows:

January-February: Season of Apex (Cosmo) - 60-day period
March-April: Season of Soul (Ocean) - 61-day period
May-June: Season of Core (Flora) - 61-day period
July-August: Season of Ruin (Fiore) - 62-day period
September-October: Season of Nova (Morgan) - 61-day period
November-December: Season of Aura (Aero) - 61-day period

As an example, the real-world date of April 2nd would be the 33rd Coming of Soul. Leap day is celebrated on the 60th Coming of Apex.

Lustrian Holidays

In addition to months and seasons, lustrians also celebrate several holidays as they would in the real world.

New Year's: tbn, 1st Coming of Apex
Valentine's Day: Redthread Ceremony, 45th Coming of Apex
Spring Equinox: Dawnleaf, 19th Coming of Soul
Easter: tbn, always on the last Sunday in the Season of Soul
Summer Solstice: Summer Sun Celebration, 51st Coming of Core
Autumn Equinox: Duskleaf, 22nd Coming of Nova
Halloween: Mischief Night, 61st Coming of Nova
Thanksgiving: tbn, always on the 4th Thursday in the Season of Aura
Christmas/Winter Solstice: Winter Moon Celebration, 52nd Coming of Aura