Now - The Dusthaven Population

Originally, the Voyage 14 were heading for Quarth - a planet further out and readied for new settlers when they arrived. However, the navigation system on 14 glitched and instead took them to Null 62, where they could do nothing as the ship automatically landed. The ship ran on solar power, so no matter what they tried they could never get it started again after it had used up most of its power for flight.

With the little battery they had left they lived on the ship. It was decided they would first have to make a way of living here before anything else, so they made masks with filtering beaks based on plague doctor masks to allow them to breath outside. From there, they built domed houses that allowed the dust to slide off, and added filtered air ventilation systems. Luckily they had building supplies on board that helped them to make these first houses.

Soon enough a town was constructing, using both the supplies and the local trees to expand. Nearby there was a river, so water or waterpower was not an issue. Food, however, was. Roles were assigned to find out what was edible and what was not, and the scientists who tested it very soon had a collection of plants and critters that could be farmed for food.

Many times over the first few weeks and months, they tried to send calls to the base on their former world, but the signal could never get through.

Now, there's a new generation and lives on Dusthaven have slotted into some kind of normality. There are jobs, schools, food markets, entertainment. Exploration teams are still sent out, but with further to go it is less common for them to come back.