About Project

Bankon Jam Media is a "Foster's Home for Forgotten UTAUs".

Still keep working, still making arts, still making stories, still making UTAUs...


Bankon Jam Media - дом Фостера для забытых утау. 
Всё ещё продолжаем работать, делать арты, писать истории, создавать утау...

Roleplay for this project is restricted to friends only, as it's just not right to use someone's characters as somewhat your own. However, feel free to create covers and whatsoever with them!

The Cast

Scorpio INTP founder A

Sightseed is the founder of the project, who currently left all their activities and vanished.
"Давайте перезапустим это ещё раз."

pisces INFJ soul

Sawaranaide (Kairel) is the reason of project existence. The main artist of project, most visual assets depend on him.
Ты знаешь, синий - мой любимый цвет. Цвет холодов, цвет смерти, цвет моих глаз... Ну, не без этого.

gemini ISTP shadow

Sabishi-i (Alter, Tori) is a shadow, who does the most of tecnical side of the project. Old and sad, preferably shouldn't be bothered for minor reasons, however, always ready to help if it's in his possibilities.

gemini ???? founder B

HClO-P is a second founder of BJM. Nothing to tell much, has nice skills in covers, rather not very talkative.

cancer ???? voiceprovider

Dima Tumaly is our dearest voiceprovider, who gifted sounding to Kaj Llingvam, Hatori Longshadow, Nevermore and You Changshi.
Ненавидит эффекты fade-in / fade-out при переключении (или остановке) аудио, эффекты плавного развёртывания / свёртывания окон.

aries ???? member A

Kirano-Heta Phantom (Kirka) one of first members of the project, a bit fandubber and singer.
"Oy eee"

scorpio ???? member B

HopelessVoid is a shadow member, creator and owner of Otomi Shiki (Shikion).

capricorn INFP member C

Nuigurumi666 (Lilyan) is our dearest modeller and overall softie.
"Не спрашивайте как я тут оказалась. Сначала все было нормально, а потом буря, искра, безумие, в глазах темнеет, я не ведаю что я творю, а потом прихожу в себя и вот."

pisces ???? member D

SoraFan810 (Vocaloid17) is our spirit who still keeps seeking for forgotten UTAUs and rescues them. 

"Artist, music fan, VOCALOID lover, and UTAU user ^^"

taurus INFJ member E

RitaLeader is our mother figure, due to her supportive nature we survived many harsh times.

libra INFP member F

Arekarm is a real shadow member of the project, who hides himself.


The Setting

Shado lore

Shadromancer's world named Shado and includes Empty lands and Shado-city.

This place is in "parallel world" and you cannot find it on maps. Nevertheless, shadromancer, who lost his host always find a way to come here. Also Shado has contact with lots of worlds and other species, due to the fact that all of us need sleep.

More about it here > https://toyhou.se/~world/25783.shado

MiRAI lore

MiRAI lore is like an alternate world to our own, within a separate republic, once created by ChornayaDrakoshig and Sightseed on a whim. All coincidences with reality are coincidental. Or not. Or yes.

More about it here > https://toyhou.se/~forums/40972.about-lore/337719.mirai-lore

Opliea lore

A small planet called Opliea, which is a planet where music is used everywhere, at all times and in all forms. But humans, in their greedy behavior, invaded the planet and began to steal and plagiarize their music, claiming that their music was their own...

More about it here: https://toyhou.se/~forums/40972.about-lore/337721.opliea-lore

R.W. lore


More about it here: 

The Story


BJM was created on July 15, 2014 by Sightseed (formerly emoPaladin) and HClO-P, and at its start included fanloid voices. The start name of the group was "БаНКа ДжЕмА", an acronym from first letters of names of characters, which were included in project.[1]

After about two years of its exitstence huge update begun - they started to search for real voicegivers for characters of project, to make them UTAUs (and to make them somewhat legal, to tell the truth). When HClO-P worked with UTAU program slowly and got some experience, Sightseed did one stupid thing: they started to move as many of their characters as they can into UTAU.

Due to the fact that Sightseed was lack of experience, those voicebanks were lacking of quality, and BJM become a "meme" in russian-speak community. A meme, which meant something like "quantity above quality".

Last drop of Sightseed's patience was betrayal of one of the members (won't mention him even in timeline, he made laughs on us behind our back). Then Sightseed had to talk with HClO-P, and brought a decision to cancel project at all. Long break begun at 17:21, 27 of July 2017.


Whole 2018 members spent working separately, until Sightseed decided that they are brave enough to return. They also sent invites to SoraFan810, who gladly accepted it and joined BJM. At the same time Sabishi-i invites Lilyan. 19 of September, 2020 RitaLeader joined the project.

So, Bankon Jam Media project was oficially revived on May 15, 2019 with decision to keep working for their own pleasure and fun. Also through long time of the project existence a joke about "Foster's Home for Forgotten UTAUs" became kinda true - for now it counts over 100 UTAUs.

Logo redo

03 of June, 2020 logo of BJM was slightly updated by Sightseed.
Previous logo included name of project, motto, blue moon, glassy jar with jam and a butterfly; all mentioned items were colored in representative parts of a project. Symbolism of previous emblem was pretty simple - blue moon was a reference to motto, which was used with sence "sometimes we'll do ok", jar with jam was a reference to the start name of project, and butterfly was added just with goal to add needed colours.
2020 logo has much more symbolism: glassy jar was changed to Hatori's amulet with a rope as a symbol of connection, a reference to Fractured Hope Co. appears, a butterfly is now fully golden and became a symbol of fragile moments of success. Fonts, used for project name and motto, were also changed with goal to show "fast moving" and "flow of ideas". 

Event Timeline

July 15, 2014 Bankon Jam Media Inc. begun its existence.



 October 22, 2015 - Hikk-kun joined the project
July 14, 2016 - Kirano-Heta Phantom joined the project
September 09, 2016 - Мемока-сан joined the project



February 11, 2017 - HopelessVoid joined the project
Long break, Memoka left the project;
Fractured Hope Co. creation



April 08, 2019 - STAY TUNED
April 12, 2019 - SoraFan810 joined the project
May 15, 2019 - Nuigurumi666 joined the project
May 28, 2019 - ... joined the project
May 24, 2020 - Hikk-kun came back
September 17, 2020 - ... left the project
September 19, 2020 - RitaLeader joined the project



Living happily ever after?..


 PO UTAU, DeepVocal
 Period Modern
 Location Shado, MiRAI, R.W.
 Roleplay Friends Only
 Rating 18+ Only
 Membership Closed
 Related Projects FH


Alt realms
Dark Themes


Check our main playlist  on Fractured Hope Co. channel, or just get familiar with lore through watching special one!