
About Derailed

Derailed is a horror and fantasy story, built on the framework of the 'Warriors' series.

Having relied on a train for just about everything, the three clans in this story are thrown for a loop when it stops coming. It becomes a fight for resources and survival in a matter of moons. To make things worse, those who are sent out to find the train never come back. On top of that, creatures have begun to stalk the territories.

The narrative is told through four main characters, each giving their own point of view as their home falls apart.

An exiled deputy, two lost siblings, and an egotistical leader. Some look to scrap up the remains of what they can, while others are trying to actively escape. Each has their own stance on the situation as a whole.

The story as a whole is a more casual endeavor, being told through various pieces of media- writing, art, etc.

Started out as just a concept???? Now it's a real thing here's more words to make the box look more full words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

The Cast

Virgo ISTP CliffClan Apprentice

Flowerpaw is the newest member of CliffClan. Having lost a leg in a train scuffle, he's often treated like a kit, much to his dismay. He tends to view the clan with contempt, much like they do with him. Despite the hardships that he faces, he's determined to find the whereabouts of his lost family.

Leo ENFP PerchClan Apprentice

Rosepaw is PerchClan's newest apprentice in their ranks. After the death of her father and the supposed loss of her mother, Rosepaw is trying to prove herself in a clan that hardly values her. On top of that, she's starting to uncover some unsavory things the clans do as a whole to save their own skins.

Aquarius ESTJ Ex-DuneClan Loner

Oddrunner was exiled from DuneClan after housing a dangerous warrior in his clan's territory. Though grateful for the freedom, he isn't sure how to cope with a lack of purpose in his life. Alongside his friend Beetletail, he's looking to find a way out of the valley for good.

Pisces ENFJ DuneClan Leader

Archstar is a cat tackling many issues all at once. On top of his destructive ego, he needs to manage the whole of DuneClan. His clan is starting to fall apart due to his sheltered way of thinking. Despite this, he doesn't seem keen on leaving the valley anytime soon.

The Setting

Boxcar Bluffs

The valley Derailed takes place in. It's far away from most civilization, and inhospitable for human life. Its title comes from its importance in trade, since trains come and go through the place. This is a great thing for the clans inside it, who raid the train often for supplies and food.

The Overgrowth

The Overgrowth is a tunnel where twolegs used to funnel in from. After moons of neglect, earth has begun to reclaim the sprawling traintracks. Moss and grass cover the wood and stone, making it easier for small animals to cross. The traintracks have melded and shifted with the ground, some parts twisting left, right, up and down. The train no longer takes this tunnel.

Cliffside Treeline

Contarary to its name, this Treeline doesn't include trees. Rather, it's made up of countless towering support beams that hoist up cable cars, having been long abandoned. They dangle over melting glaciers and steep cliffs, presenting a challenge to any opposing clan trying to worm their way in. No one has tried to balance on the wires, but the idea has been tossed around.

Bridge Outpost

With no place for the train to stop, DuneClan cats often get the worst hand when it comes to train supplies. This outpost is a bridge that crosses two drygrass slopes, rickety and worn from age. It's one of the few manmade structures in the dry fields DuneClan calls home.

Event Timeline

The Train ceases its bi-weekly visits. The clans start to panic, and alliances are broken for the sake of survival. A period of mass panic follows, where no one is really sure what to do.



Clans begin to send out cats to find the train. These efforts prove fruitless, and most of the time, one or no cats at all return from the trip.
Flowerkit and Rosekit are made apprentices, and paranoia regarding the true situation of the valley begins to spread.



Events of the actual story- big WIP right now but this is the bulk of the stuff


Genre Fantasy
Period Modern
Location Wyoming, US
Roleplay Friends Only
Rating PG-13
Membership Closed
Related Projects N/A


Body Horror
Dark Themes


Playlist inspired by Derailed's aesthetic.