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Pygmy Ears are usually very small and round, they have small wings right under them. Original ears are quite sharp and long, but they don't have to be, their ear wings tend to be longer and they have a sort of eye cover, wether that be a flower or their own wing. Ethereal ears tend to be more big and fluffy, they can have up to 3 sets of ear wings and their ears can emit elemental matter. Feline ears are the only ones allowed and ear wings are required.



Pygmy wings usually only have a small plant somewhere and are the smallest wing type. Original wings have a cluster of plants ranging in size and are small to average sized. Lastly, Ethereal wings are very large and can have multiple clusters of plants or plants all over. Having at least one plant is a sign of a healthy Everoskoir, if there are no plants, it is a sign that their core is withering.



Pygmy tails are all feline tails, can be foxes, lions, cats, etc. as long as its a feline tail, they also must have feathers flaced above their tail in a fan-like position. Original tails follow the same rules, except they can have a few longer feathers that go under and their tail can be a hair material. Ethereal tails are almost the same as Original tails, but they can have more feathers and their tail material can be anything.



Pygmy horns are short, Original horns are long and sharp, and Ethereal horns can take any shape but usually look like antlers.



Pygmys and Originals have the same leg & arm types. Pygmys usually have paws instead of hands, but it's reversed for Originals, Ethereals only have hands. They must have some sort of feathery fur on their arms and legs, but Ethereals can have any material fur. Ethereals can also have hooves instead of paws.



Blooming cores are basically winged flowers, but they all start off as winged seeds with a gem-like appearance and can be any shape and color. Don't feel pressured to make the core a rose, they can be any sort of flower or plant. Pymys can only have 1 set of small wings, Originals can have up to 2 sets of medium wings, and Ethereals can have up to 3 sets of large wings.