Pakkeli Cluster's Bulletins

In order to keep track of species adopts, all characters placed into the TH World must remain in the TH World. Please do not take them out of the TH World for any reason. If you think you need to take them out of the TH World, contact an admin on Discord or TH, or Note the dA Group.

In addition, please make sure that all the following admins are authorized to view your Pakkeli, Pakaasu and Pavesi characters on TH. You may not block any of these admins on TH or other platforms to keep them from viewing your species characters. If you are found to be doing this or removing characters from the TH World, at a minimum you will be banned for a temporary amount of time from obtaining adopts/characters and the length of time will be determined on a case by case basis. Repeated infractions could lead up to a member being banned from the species and their adopts reuploaded to the world on the admin account.


All characters/adopts will be placed on TH in the future, and if a member does not have a TH account, their character will still show up here under an Admin Account.