Pavesi Traits and Info

The Pavesi  are a humanoid species where their entire bodies are made of a substance  called 'space liquid'. They are a subspecies to the Pakkeli. The 'space  liquid' is only visible on their arms, hair, eyes, horns, and tanks  over their bodies.

Main Traits


  • Common Eyes: Has lashes
  • Uncommon Eyes: Lashes are a lighter color than liquid color.
  • Rare Eyes: Appears to be leaking liquid, looks like they are crying all the time.
  • Legendary Eyes: Look half empty.


  • Common Arms: Their wrists are uncovered and show their space liquid.
  • Uncommon Arms: Their forearms are uncovered and show their space liquid.
  • Rare Arms: Their entire arms are uncovered and show their liquid.
  • Legendary Arms: Their arms where they meet their skin can come in patterns and shapes. They can be of any length.


  • Common Horns: Two horns of any size on their head
  • Uncommon Horns: Four horns of any size on their head
  • Rare Horns: Six horns of any size on their head
  • Legendary Horns: No horns on head


  • Common Liquid Color: Their liquid is two colors
  • Uncommon Liquid Color: Their liquid is three colors
  • Rare Liquid Color: Their liquid color is four colors
  • Legendary Liquid Color: Their liquid color is five or more colors


  • Rare Body Modifications:  This can range from anything from breast tanks, crystals on tanks,  embossed tanks, leaking tanks, cracked tanks, non-living things in  tanks, etc.
  • Legendary Vitiligo: Patches of skin and  goo/gas/liquid that are lacking pigment (white). Goo/Gas/Liquid still  sparkles. Cannot be used with white/pastel goo/gas/liquid or skin.  Effects skin/markings/diseases and any goo/gas/liquid. Example
  • Legendary Liquid Gradient: Can have any level of liquid color rarity. Liquid gradients in color instead of appearing space like.
  • Legendary Mermaid Tail: Their legs fuse together into a super tank that takes the shape of a mermaid tail.


General Information


  • Markings  can look like tattoos, glow, be metallic, anything as long as they do  not copy the color of the goo/gas/liquid of the character.
  • All  species can have "Star Dust Freckles" as a marking: "Freckles" that are  in the goo color and that sparkle. It is generally shapeless and can  appear anywhere on the body that does not have goo/gas/liquid. Example

Skin Color

Skin can be ANY color for all the species.


Sparkles  in goo/gas/liquid can be ANY color! They mainly show up as white, but  they can appear in other colors not tied to rarity.


  • Iho Palla: Iho Palla is cracks in the skin of the character. Please reference Laakari for an example (Doctor Laakari)
  • Iho Kolmio: Example- Iho Kolmio
  • Advanced Iho Kolmio: Similar to the base version, but can come in any shape such as hearts, starts, etc.
  • Pari-Kasvi: A plant that grows out of a tank of a Pavesi. Can infest one or multiple tanks.

The  Basics

  • Pavesi are the tallest of species on Kotiin, The shortest are at  six feet and can be upwards of eight feet. Their weight can range from  200 pounds to 800 pounds. Their bodies are very stiff and strong. Their  entire body is made of a hard glass like material that keeps the liquid  inside and in form.
  • This is a sexless species. Pavesi can be any  gender. Their body type is pretty limited. They have no breasts (except  for the mutation). They are not a species that can be very chubby, so  their bodies are very similar.
  • They do not have pupils. Their  eyes do reflect light and are an indicator of where the Pavesi is  looking. Their vision is best at night as bright lights are not very  common on Kotiin.
  • Due to being made of 'space liquid', Pavesi  have no bones and teeth. All their food is mostly liquid or small things  that are easy to swallow. Their entire body is made of a hard glass  like material that contains the space liquid. Their skin is very rough  and hard to rip.

Aging and Breeding

Pavesi are practically immortal. They do not die from old age, only by murder or injury.

  • Baby (0-10 years old)- Eyes, ears, arms, spikes and any mutations are shown at birth. They are hard and their skin does not rip.
  • Toddler (11-15 years old): Hair to shoulders stop growing.
  • Child (16-20 years old): Hair to mid back stops growing.
  • Teen (21-30 years old): Hair to thighs stops growing.
  • Adult (30+ years old): Hair to floor stops growing.

 Pavesi CANNOT breed, as they are genderless and do not have the body parts needed to breed.
