Jalin TBA



Diversity . Kindness . Tourism







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Much like Tiresin, Wynhaven has a darker past. While Blake's father was a decent leader, he was a bad person and that influenced the trust his subjects held in him. He favored a male-dominant society and was often dismissive of minorities and their rights. The kingdom was silent in fear of punishment as many who disobeyed laws were publicly shamed.

Blake and Seraphina were his oldest of kin and inherited the throne once he perished. Since then, Blake has completely rewritten everything his father stood for and has been rebuilding. 


Cras molestie porttitor sollicitudin. Pellentesque ac turpis accumsan, efficitur erat et, mollis massa. Etiam sit amet vehicula neque. Suspendisse non sodales purus. Phasellus luctus lacinia est sed pellentesque. Suspendisse et molestie mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam sed velit id quam efficitur condimentum quis eget quam. Nullam tincidunt semper eros, eu imperdiet nulla. Quisque consectetur metus nibh, non sodales ipsum rhoncus at. Orci varius natoque penatibus et.

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King Saphic [Blake] [ Relationship ]

The current holder of the throne, Blake is an excellent leader unlike his father. Many residents will tell you just how kind and respectful he is. Instead of marrying one of a high status, he's married to one considered a commoner, which unknowingly comforts his subjects.

Princess Seraphina   [ Relationship ]

As the second-born twin, Seraphina lies second to the throne.Traditionally she would be expected to marry into a different kingdom to establish alliances but wishes to stay in Wynhaven without the pressure of doing so.

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