
The Ukiyo: Guardian group based in Wynhaven

Leader: TBN

Right Hand: Karma

Generals: Cadaver, Connor

Medic: Hosuh

Intelligence: Quinn, Connor

Marlin Ukiyo:

- Female A , German/Hispanic appearance 

- Daughter of the Founder, was born in the down under

Luke Ashlenin:


- Connor and Luke go far back

Order of the Storm: (The originals)

- Had sigils for aspects

- Connor: Loyalty

- Luke: Compassion

- TBN (NASTY GAL): Honesty




Order of the Scales: Second Generations)

- TBN (Skylar): Honesty

-  Akari: Loyalty

-  Alice: Generosity

-  Tikki: Kindness

-  Brett: Generosity


The united nations decided to put their efforts into selecting a group that would be groomed and cleaned into being perfect to protect society, each member representing and showing various forms of their selected sigil. These members were naturally in tune with the sigils before being selected; in fact their meeting was what prompted the creation of the order of the storm.

TBN (NASTY GAL) found themselves feeling held back by their order and their best interests

They found an interest in the dark arts and found themselves investing time and feeling comfortable with it. They eventually were able to lure Skylar's sister into becoming a user of this magic and she found herself lost to it. Because Luke was fawning over her at the time, he was another easy target and was also lost to this. Before the others had fully realized what was going on there were other problems. TBN (NASTY GAL) ended up pushing TBN (PEER PRESSURE) to end things as they had been struggling with their sense of self which caused the group to disband over her death.