World Lore

World Lore

The Home Tree

"We must care for the tree as it cares for us."


The Home Tree is a large ginko tree which stands in the middle of the town providing shade for a large radius around it. This eternal tree does not ever wilt and gathers energy from the ground and the thriving town around it. It only ever sheds every 1000 years after the leaves are filled with mana making them glow and shimmer like gold. These leaves that fall are the main currency amongst kitsune as the energy and the beauty of them is sought out for. This ancient tree also provides seedless fruit to the kitsune which are used in many local dishes. After eating the fruit your energy will be replenished and it is known to lighten spirits with its soft but sweet taste.

This ginko tree is the reason why the village is protected as its roots stretch extremely far and create a kind of bubble which keeps out anything harmful that wants to come in. This barrier shrinks or grows depending on the trees health and when the leaves fall the barrier grows thin. Kitsune will band together at these times to protect the home tree and the villages near the border. The area right at the barrier constantly fluctuates and it is known that strong yokai live in this area both good and bad waiting for the other to cross.

Fox Fire Caves

"A new life can form from just one ember, how beautiful..."


The Fox Fire Caves are a series of winding tunnels that contain small floating fires that can be found deep within it. No one really knows how the flames form here but offerings are made to it as a thanks. Once found the flames are moved into the largest cave nearest the entrance to be looked after until they form into a kitsune. There is usually 4-5 caretakers along with a pair of soldiers in the room as well as Hotaru to greet the newest members of the village.

Although fox fire that can create life is possible through normal means of caring for your own or a mixture of two or more flames, these seem to not be traceable to any other kitsune in the village. There are times that flames are found close together in the same hue that are born together as siblings. This is seen as a great gift that you have a family bond from the caves. Sometimes kitsune couples will seek out the caves instead of combinging their fires for their own personal reasons.

There are situations where fox fires combine in the caves. They leave a mixture of the colors for example purple but there are very rare chances that they dont mix fully which results in a multi colored kitsune! This kitsune tend to have heterchomia and a slight increase in stats!

Beyond The border

"Some things should stay hidden forever..."


Outside the border lies the cursed lands where things grow in crooked ways and the water is ink black for miles and miles. If you survive this horrid lands for long enough it is known to change a yokai and devoid it of all color and positive emotions. With their strong hatred that grows for the Home Tree they will come to destory it at any chance given. This land is only not spread to the rest of the spirit real by the extreme mountain range that is protected by the kenkus who live there.

Luckily for the village it is only next to this land on two sides, the other two being to the mountains and to the valley where the mountains do not touch. The village is what seperates this awful corruption with the rest of the spirit realm. Many stronger yokai who had survived the almost non ending battle of protecting the Home Tree live closer the border in case there is a breach once more. The older kitsune take pride in founding this once military camp turned village and protecting their loved ones from this horrible curse.


"Insert a quote here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Integer odio lorem, fringilla vitae nunc vel, faucibus mattis elit. In sagittis libero sem, dignissim pellentesque massa eleifend nec. Nam rhoncus sodales eros sit amet blandit. Sed non metus sapien. Mauris ac leo eu magna hendrerit rhoncus. Fusce a tristique purus. Donec sed malesuada nibh. Sed venenatis ultrices orci, at blandit velit vehicula ac. Pellentesque tincidunt nunc at neque pretium eleifend. Donec at enim a orci congue aliquet. Integer elementum libero ac leo ultrices, quis mattis diam ornare.

Phasellus bibendum sapien a dolor luctus pretium. Nullam commodo erat neque, quis consequat nunc consectetur posuere. Pellentesque volutpat velit eget turpis consectetur, a placerat metus sagittis. Vestibulum fermentum, leo euismod suscipit consequat, nibh nibh egestas velit, eget sagittis ante tortor id diam. Aliquam aliquet eget velit vitae tincidunt. Sed nisl ipsum, tempor nec aliquam eu, efficitur dignissim sem. Nulla ornare auctor pulvinar. Etiam blandit augue eu maximus iaculis. Suspendisse laoreet tortor quis enim molestie, pretium imperdiet tellus placerat. Phasellus in diam mi.



"Insert a quote here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Integer odio lorem, fringilla vitae nunc vel, faucibus mattis elit. In sagittis libero sem, dignissim pellentesque massa eleifend nec. Nam rhoncus sodales eros sit amet blandit. Sed non metus sapien. Mauris ac leo eu magna hendrerit rhoncus. Fusce a tristique purus. Donec sed malesuada nibh. Sed venenatis ultrices orci, at blandit velit vehicula ac. Pellentesque tincidunt nunc at neque pretium eleifend. Donec at enim a orci congue aliquet. Integer elementum libero ac leo ultrices, quis mattis diam ornare.

Phasellus bibendum sapien a dolor luctus pretium. Nullam commodo erat neque, quis consequat nunc consectetur posuere. Pellentesque volutpat velit eget turpis consectetur, a placerat metus sagittis. Vestibulum fermentum, leo euismod suscipit consequat, nibh nibh egestas velit, eget sagittis ante tortor id diam. Aliquam aliquet eget velit vitae tincidunt. Sed nisl ipsum, tempor nec aliquam eu, efficitur dignissim sem. Nulla ornare auctor pulvinar. Etiam blandit augue eu maximus iaculis. Suspendisse laoreet tortor quis enim molestie, pretium imperdiet tellus placerat. Phasellus in diam mi.



"Insert a quote here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Integer odio lorem, fringilla vitae nunc vel, faucibus mattis elit. In sagittis libero sem, dignissim pellentesque massa eleifend nec. Nam rhoncus sodales eros sit amet blandit. Sed non metus sapien. Mauris ac leo eu magna hendrerit rhoncus. Fusce a tristique purus. Donec sed malesuada nibh. Sed venenatis ultrices orci, at blandit velit vehicula ac. Pellentesque tincidunt nunc at neque pretium eleifend. Donec at enim a orci congue aliquet. Integer elementum libero ac leo ultrices, quis mattis diam ornare.

Phasellus bibendum sapien a dolor luctus pretium. Nullam commodo erat neque, quis consequat nunc consectetur posuere. Pellentesque volutpat velit eget turpis consectetur, a placerat metus sagittis. Vestibulum fermentum, leo euismod suscipit consequat, nibh nibh egestas velit, eget sagittis ante tortor id diam. Aliquam aliquet eget velit vitae tincidunt. Sed nisl ipsum, tempor nec aliquam eu, efficitur dignissim sem. Nulla ornare auctor pulvinar. Etiam blandit augue eu maximus iaculis. Suspendisse laoreet tortor quis enim molestie, pretium imperdiet tellus placerat. Phasellus in diam mi.

Code by Aurorean