
What is a lucervita?

A Lucervita is a candle spirit, given life anew from old, discarded, or broken candles. They can be made from any wax, some even being crayons! They are small spirits who help around their creator's house in return for new life. Due to their size and burnability, they cannot live in the wild.

How were they made?

The first Lucervita, Wixie, was created on accident. Her creator was remelting wax to create more candles and dropped a bit of her herbs in, and the mixture created life somehow. The specifics aren't known, but through trial and error the wax was able to move freely and speak. The name was taken from lucerna (candle) and vita (life), to resemble the rekindled life of the candle spirits. The creator, being a witch, posted on different forums on how to create one and made a community of remade spirits and candles. Lucervita started popping up all over the world, and different kinds were made with different waxes and herbs, and they became a well known helper in the Witch community.