Species Information


Species Info


Dragons hailing from the Dragon Kingdom have adapted to both an arid and mountainous biome. With thick scales to protect from attacks and the elements, to dextile fingers to obtain food and secure a shelter on steep slopes.

The use of horns to frame the face and make them look bigger, and their stocky build make dragons great for physical combat. Fighting is woven into their culture, allowing for bonds to be formed and disagreements to be resolved. Dragons are not known for their magical abilities, but some dragons are able to hone their skills to that of a unicorn. The magic that all dragons are able to use is that to mark their partners, a skill obtained thousands of years ago.

Common Header

Straighter horns are more commonly found, with a completly curled horn being the rarest and hardest to deal with. Surgery is sometimes needed to stop the curl from physically damaging the dragon. A slightly curled horn is seen as a sign of good luck.

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The chestplate is a dense scale that protects vital organs. The shape of the scale is passed on from the parent, the more common type is rounded. The chestplate do shed along with the rest of the scales, and the first shedded cestplate in youth is kept as a good luck charm for the family.

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The membrane of the wing is velvity to allow for better lift, but can be damaged. Damage to the wing will be lifelong, unless treated right away. A damaged wing that has been grafted will not be the same color as the rest of the wing. Scarring on the wings are considered the least attractive type of scarring.

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Uncommon Header

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

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Uncommon Header

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

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Uncommon Header

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

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Rare Header

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

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Rare Header

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

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Rare Header

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

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Legendary Header

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

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Legendary Header

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

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Legendary Header

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

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