

Rachnids are aliens with coincidental physiological similarities to Sol spiders. Despite visible adaptations that would make them excellent hunters, modern Rachnidian culture revolves around honing the skills and talents of oneself, treating them as forms of self-expression. Rachnids tend to focus on their work intensely, priding themselves on a job well done and languishing if they think they are underperforming.


Rachnids are bipedal aliens with a chitinous exoskeleton, four eyes, lithe bodies, and eight limbs. Their diets are primarily carnivorous, although the modern Rachnid is capable of digesting plant matter if necessary. They are capable of spinning strong webs with various uses.

Four of the Rachnid’s limbs are entirely vestigial and have little function beyond expression. Their eyes were adapted for hunting in the dark and are highly sensitive to any amounts of light. Silk creation for Rachids is energy intensive and web spinning is exhausting.

Rachnids exhibit moderate levels of sexual dimorphism, likely as an evolutionary leftover. Female Rachnids are both larger and stronger on average than their male counterparts. This has contributed at least in some part to Rachnidian society’s matriarchal structure.


Rachnids evolved relatively recently from a species of massive, eight-legged xenofauna. Much of their physiology owes itself to this. They had the blessing of an independent, untampered development, and managed to discovered bluespace flight on their own.

Their discovery of bluespace flight provides insight into Rachnidian thought. The top scientists of the Aerospace Guild arrived at the conclusion of how to harness bluespace almost simultaneously after decades of independent research. However, their theories were wildly different, each based on differing findings and assumptions. Seeing this, the Matriarch of the Aerospace Guild ordered them all disbarred and made her own theory after another decade of work, a theory that is still used to this day.


Modern Rachnidian culture centers around expression of oneself through art. Artistic thought is dominant in Rachnidian society, with nearly every imaginable subject being viewed through an artistic lens. While this means Rachnids develop wild new ideas at an expedient rate, it also means that optimizations to existing concepts are done rarely, if at all.

Rachnids are individualist by nature, striving to be unique and distancing themselves from others, to the point of risking harm to themselves. While a Rachnid collaborating with others is not unheard of, most prefer to work independently. Stepping on another person’s turf, physically or professionally, is frowned upon greatly.

Many Rachnids take extreme pride work well done, focusing on minutia most others would ignore. Some will become despondent and anxious if they think that they are underperforming, and become desperate for approval and validation. Female Rachnids are additionally held to unusually high standards in Rachnidian society due to the expectations placed on them to take up leadership roles.

From https://hackmd.io/@shiptest/BJPZR7YVt