The Six Worlds


Six Worlds, One Planet


Somewhere in this universe, when there was the emergence of everything from nothing, 6 twin deities were born among the cosmos. The eldest, the proud and determined, valued heat, flames, rocks and minerals. The second, a calm and serene counterpart, valued the tranquility and adaptability of the waters, which at times proved to be devastating, in a perfect combination of beauty and strength. The third of the deities was the most progressive, giving importance to energies and metals, yearning for technologies and believing in intelligence. Meanwhile, the fourth twin loved, above all, life and magic, seeing a unique beauty in the ephemeral that brought a strong glow to nature and that which held life. The fifth would come to be known as the darkest, appreciating the unpredictability of chaos, expressing a greater affinity with darkness, and recognizing the unique potential that darkness held. And, finally, the youngest deity of the six, he believed in balance and peace, valuing, above all, the harmony between things.

At some point, the deities decided to mold a single planet to their reflections. After a long debate, 6 of the most prosperous dimensions were chosen so that each of the deities could shape their ideals and values, and thus, Hexideorum was born, a planet that has 6 distinct forms separated by a dimensional veil.

Initially, 5 elemental worlds were created, those belonging to the domains of the five eldest deities. The volcanic world, Vezuvium; the maritime world, Abyssea; the technological world, Teslic; the faerie world, Groengard; and the dark world, Danteea. Each of the worlds has developed its own geographies, climates and life forms. However, when one of the deities suggested creating an intelligent life form that was similar to them in form, for the first time, discord arose between the brothers. Each was a physical representation of their values, and they wanted their children to be connected to their worlds as well. It was then that the only deity that had not yet shaped its own world, suggested that they use the sixth and last dimension to be the nursery for this creature. And so, Neuthera was created, as the world represented by harmony, destined to be the homeland of the first Syncronaes.

All six worlds were connected through interdimensional portals so that Syncronaes could travel between dimensions and inhabit each of the elemental worlds. And thus, the discord between the twin deities would be resolved, and all six worlds finally established.




The Neutral world is like the capital of the Six Worlds, being responsible for connecting the other 5 worlds. It is the ancestral birthplace of the Syncronaes, and even today it is very common for them to return to this plane to have their children. Its high harmonic capacity made its geography rich in diversity, inheriting characteristics from each of the elemental worlds and simulating the homeworlds of each Syncronae race, making its population become the most diverse among the six worlds, with Syncronaes of all affinities and syncs.

Its fauna and flora are also rich. In addition to natural creatures from the five elemental worlds, the neutral planet is also home to creatures from other similar planets, such as Earth.

The neutral planet is made up of 6 regions: the Core region, the Vulcan region, the Deep Sea region, the Techno complex, the Fae Forests, and the Obscura region. Each of them has different geographic and climatic characteristics, and with the exception of the Central, all have a dimensional passage that connects their region to their respective worlds.


  • The neutral world has copies of all types of Syncs.

Noteable Locations

Hexagonal Temple Harmonium

The Hexagonal Temple is the most sacred site of the Syncronae people, in addition to being a historical, religious and cultural heritage site. It is part of the ancient culture to visit the temple to receive the blessing of the Six Gods, and it is in this same place that the leaders of the 6 worlds gather for a friendly congress, once a year.

Space Station O'Zeon City

Extremely technological, the space station for dimensional travel and research is a very important place for the development of the Syncronae people. Thanks to the efforts of hundreds of scientists working in this company, the Syncronae technology for interdimensional and space travel has become one of the best in the universe, enabling visits to countless planets and systems.




Vezuvium is a hot world, characterized by its volcanic lands, mountains, canyons and desert regions, in addition to large underground cavities and numerous cave complexes. The volcanic and mountainous areas of Vezuvium are famous for their abundance of minerals and gemstones.

The vast majority of water is found underground, which is why there is almost no rain in this world. Because of this, the creatures that inhabit this dimension are adapted to high temperatures and ways of surviving without the abundance of water, and that includes, of course, the local flora. Most Vezuvium plants are adapted to the scarcity of water, either withholding it or simply not needing it, which makes them able to survive in this hot environment without water.


  • The world of Vezuvium is characterized by its rocks, soils and ores, as well as some desert or arid land plants. Some examples are: volcanic stones, marbles, diamonds, amethysts, cacti, etc.

Noteable Locations

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Abyssea is a world completely covered by water, where its life and geography are almost entirely underwater. All of its water is salty, which makes it entirely a marine environment. But there are still frozen poles and some floating artificial islands, so it is still a “visitable” planet for those who prefer not to go into the water.

Underneath the water there are several luminous rocks that artificially illuminate the place, maintaining a certain luminosity even at night. In addition to being an important natural lighting, these rocks are commonly used in buildings, furniture and accessories in order to create efficient lighting in cities.

And finally, for those who had the courage to dive in, the deepest region of Abyssea is full of creatures and plants with bioluminescence which makes the place beautiful and scary at the same time.


  • AAbyssea is characterized by its deep salty waters and everything that lies beneath them. Some examples of Syncs are: pearls, sea rocks, sea vegetables and barnacles.

Noteable Locations

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Extremely developed, Teslic is the most advanced world in terms of science and technology. Your world is almost an artificial planet, surrounded by metals, energies and cybernetic systems. The people who inhabit it invested in various technologies, one of the most famous being space exploration technologies, which made space travel possible and the construction of various stations and space housing..

Being naturally a little fertile dimension, Teslic's life forms developed in a very unusual way: they adapted to machinery, metals and energies, incorporating them and abandoning their entirely biological bodies.


  • Teslic is a technological world, quite different from other worlds. The artificial, at this point, is taken as natural. Some of the most notable Syncs are: machinery and processed metals.

Noteable Locations

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A green land teeming with life and magic: this is Groengard. It's a fairy-tale world with huge and beautiful forests, giant or shimmering plants, and creatures that seem to have come out of a fairy tale. Among the 5 elemental worlds, this is definitely the one that houses the greatest variety of fauna and flora creatures.

The cities and towns of Groengard are built in a way that avoids harming or affecting the local nature as much as possible, thus preserving the environment and becoming able to live in harmony with nature.


  • The most striking feature of Groengard is undoubtedly its rich and vast nature. Your Sync table is made up of land plants, freshwater plants, and some types of fungi.

Noteable Locations

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Danteea is a dark world, covered in black mists and home to fearsome creatures. Its geography, molded to its dark form, is characterized by regions of dark earth, jagged mountains, black forests, and poisonous lakes. Due to the dense mists that cover the sky of this world, there is little incidence of sunlight in this dimension.

Despite all this hostile appearance at first glance, there are still peaceful and beautiful regions where civilization on Danteea developed more easily. And it is precisely because it is a place that appears to be so dark that the people of Danteea have come to appreciate the expressions, feelings and emotions, in addition to valuing the strength of those who survive in the most hostile of environments.


  • Danteea has syncs that are mostly dark-themed. From dark plants to dead tissue, their features can take on a rather frightening appearance.

Noteable Locations

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