Monthly Guild Quest

What are Monthly Quests?

Monthly quests are optional tasks that reset monthly, and are presented in the form of "Nasteya's Guild Quests". When completing a quest, the member will receive a value of hexacoins corresponding to the difficulty of the task.
Being optional, the member can choose whether or not to do these quests during the month, and there will be no harm in choosing not to do it. However, completing the monthly quests will earn you extra monthly hexacoins that will help you gather the necessary coins to spend on MYOs, items and even some events!

What are the benefits?

In general, quests are for two things: earning hexacoins and helping to develop the species.
The quest system works as small fixed monthly tasks that a member can be fulfilling to earn extra hexacoins during the month, and at the same time, help to develop and increase the collection of our species.


Guild quests are divided into "Categories", and it is only possible to receive 1 reward per category each month.
In other words, even if you complete several quests of the same category during the month, you will only receive the reward for the first completed quest!


Each quest has a difficulty level that can be rated one star, two stars or three stars, being “easy”, “medium” and “hard”, respectively. The difficulty is calculated taking into account how laborious the task will be to perform.
The more difficult a quest is, the more hexacoins will be rewarded for completing it!

About Monthly Quests
Instructions: How to choose a quest

To choose a quest, visit the “Quest Board” page or look for information about quests on some other platform.
The available quests will be numbered and marked with their respective difficulties, where a small explanation will be available. Choose only 1 per category to complete!
It is not necessary to send any information to the ADMs to accept a quest.

Instructions: How to complete a quest and receive your hexacoins

Once you choose your quest, just carry out the requested activity and deliver the result to the email or private address of one of the ADMs, with the appropriate forms completed!
Once received, we will publish your creation (if it is something publishable) and send the reward through the same platform on which the forms were delivered.
Please be patient with your deliveries and publications, as they may take between 1 and 3 days to be completed!

Available Quest Types
Fauna and Flora Record Reward from 5 to 15 Hc
Move Commerce Reward from 5 to 15 Hc

Learn more about each category by accessing the Quest Board!

About Nasteya's Guild

Nasteya is an ancient port city located in central Neuthera. It is known for its great merchandise fairs and trading activities, bringing together Syncronaes from all lands.

It is in this great port city that the largest guild in Neuthera was founded; the Merchant and Adventurer's Guild.

Merchant and Adventurer's Guild

Nasteya's guild is a fusion between two very different sectors: commercial and exploration. Initially, these two sectors belonged to two distinct guilds that were founded hundreds of years ago in the city. The guild of merchants worked towards the economic advancement and commercial activities of the city, regulating sales and organizing festivals. Meanwhile, the guild of adventurers was responsible for exploring new lands, recording creatures and plants, hunting and exterminating dangerous creatures and activities that helped the residents of the region.

These two guilds were once on the verge of collapse, but by joining forces and putting aside their enmities, they established a strong new guild that would come to be known as "The Nasteya Merchant and Adventurer Guild".

Guild Masters

The Nasteya Merchant and Adventurer Guild has two masters: Klyde, the master in charge of the merchant sector, and Asta, the master and leader of the Nasteya adventurers.

Klyde (Leader of the Merchants Sector)

He is the current master of the Guild of Nasteya and commands the entire trade, logistics and business sector. He is primarily responsible for the guild's economic growth, and is the one who keeps all important paperwork up to date. Klyde is the one who is always occupying the guild's main office.


Asta (Adventurer Sector Leader)

As the guild's second master, Asta commands the exploration sector and is the leader of Nasteya's adventurers. He carries out and leads several expeditions that collect important information about the geography, fauna and flora of Neuthera, being little seen within the guild itself.


General rules
  • It is only possible to complete and receive the reward of 1 quest per category per month!
  • Regardless of the monthly quest limit, you can always submit new creatures, clothes, etc. to register or post! The monthly limit only concerns rewards in hexacoins.
  • Collabs are allowed!
  • In case of creation collabs, the full amount of the reward will be sent to both creators.
  • Acquired rewards will only be added to the species bank at the end of the month. However, they can be used as soon as they are received!
  • There may always be changes in the quest system, such as: adding other categories, removing/adding quests, readjusting the hexacoin values of the rewards, readjusting the difficulties, etc. If it occurs, the changes will be notified in the monthly bulletins.
  • The creature or plant created and submitted to the fauna and flora can be used and designed by other members, in addition to receiving new official arts later (such as being designed in events and banners). All credit for creation will remain with the creator.
  • If an update is needed to the look or story of a creature or blueprint, we will consult with the creator in advance. However, if contact is not possible for any reason, and the creator does not respond within 1 month of waiting, the update will take place independently.
  • The administration will be able to review and correct possible grammatical and typing errors of the writings sent with the fauna and flora creations.
  • The sales rules of the items that will be posted in the community stores will follow the rules of the creator, since “The community stores” is just a platform offered by the species.
  • Tracing, copying or theft of art and/or texts is prohibited under any circumstances. Appropriate action will be taken if it is discovered that there has been a violation of this rule.

You may have updates to these rules according to needs and news!

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