Riptides Cull
A world taking place in the early 1700s, the golden age of pirates. Currently it is a world for others to join, make connections, stories, etc. However if it gets enough attention it can possibly become a RP community and more.
[Open World] || 16+ || Fantasy || Founders : SimplyPhil / Cheeriohu

Our story follows an up and coming crew by the name of Riptides Cull. Growing in numbers out of Hampdon Port, and readying to set sail. The jolly roger features a typical skull, with waves crashing into it from behind, giving it a halo of water. Join them and forge your own adventure on the vast blue sea.

Together you will form a crew, create bonds stronger than the ocean waves, and uncover treasures beyond comprehension. Together you will overpower and outwill the competition. Together you will endure trials and tribulations, and together, we will come out on top.

The bow of the ship dipped and rose in the open waters. The bumping of boots scattered across the deck, traveling with motivation and moxy. Below deck crewmates snored as the chefs prepared the dinner rations, and musicians played overhead. Happy tunes of riches, women, and adventure cycled through.

Glances exchanged as passers by, grimaces plastered on faces. Hands lingered over firearms and swords alike. Tension grew between parties as the music played. People changed as the bow of the ship dipped and rose in those open waters.
