





A Small Kingdom on the coast


Always sunny & warm

Occasional thunder storms

Rich in colorful vegetation

"Growing together."

Many years ago, the kingdom of Verdanon was built by its queen and the guardian of the spirit lake. The guardian, called Rahel, was hopelessly in love with the queen, but the queen was dissatisfied with the modest status of the kingdom and left when the small kingdom needed her the most. Rahel was left behind with a broken heart and empty throne.
Next came Lenore, the new queen who also sought wealth and luxury. Instead of leaving the humble kingdom like her predecessor, she expanded the castle's wealth through illegal trade, creating powerful enemies in the process.
After Lenore was blackmailed and lost her status as ruler, she fled and took the dirty money with her. The throne was empty once again and no qualified rulers were left. With all her hope lost, Rahel took care of a single sea lily that was left on the spirit lake. Once the lily opened, her heart was filled with hope, as the newborn doll inside was made of priscine porcelaine. Thus, Andrei was born and with him, Verdanon finally got the first ruler who really cared for his country.
Andrei loves the kingdom and the kingdom loves him. Worrying that he might become corrupted by power like his predecessors, he adopted eight siblings and rules Verdanon as a council together with them.

51806753_KVi2nL02lb1ultJ.png Verdanon_Map_Mini.jpg  Council of Verdanon
Just like every other kingdom in Docordis, Verdanon is ruled by a porcelaine Doll. However, king Andrei does not perform this task on his own. His large family of adopted siblings aids him as a council, with their ruling weighting just as much as the kings word.

Verdanon's culture is strongly tied to its agriculture and celebrated through festivals and holidays that reflect the importance of their fertile land. The Harvest Festival is the most significant festival in Verdanon and includes traditional activities such as music, dancing, and feasting. Verdanon's government recognizes the importance of these festivals and actively supports them as a way of preserving the country's cultural heritage.

Verdanon's economy specializes in agriculture and trading rare plants, that only grow within the capitals city walls. One of these plants is highly valued and strictly protected, making it an essential part of Verdanon's economy. The country also exports high-quality fruits, vegetables, and textiles to neighboring countries, contributing to its success in the global market. The government and people of Verdanon are committed to maintaining its quality and value.

Daily Life
The daily life in Verdanon revolves around agriculture, with many of its inhabitants working in the fields. The capital city has a bustling marketplace where locals sell their goods, and a public bathhouse where people gather to relax and socialize.



Verdanon's castle is magical. Its rooms, each representing the occupant, are created by Andrei and can be expanded at will.

Town Square

Verdanon's bustling marketplace offers a variety of goods and locally grown produce for sale.


The public bathhouse in Verdanon's capital city is a popular social spot for relaxation and cleanliness.



KING OF VERDANON. Cras enim ex, suscipit in quam at, semper pulvinar sem. Sed consectetur ultrices neque, ut tempor lectus efficitur molestie.


COUNCILOR FOR AFFAIRS OF THE EMBASSY. Vivamus a gravida metus, ut tincidunt mi. Nullam sagittis nibh eros, viverra sagittis justo dictum eu.


COUNCILOR FOR AFFAIRS OF FLORA. Cras sed urna vel urna dictum lacinia a vel mauris. Quisque aliquet malesuada orci, sed consequat orci tempus eu.


COUNCILOR FOR AFFAIRS OF INTERNAL CONFLICTS. Donec mattis odio in urna commodo, quis interdum lorem congue.


COUNCILOR & AMBASSADOR. Shanee is like a free bird who 'flies' around the world. That's why she's mainly appointed as the kingdom's ambassador to make and maintain contacts to other kingdoms.


COUNCILOR FOR AFFAIRS OF CULTURE & HISTORY. Vivamus a gravida metus, ut tincidunt mi. Nullam sagittis nibh eros, viverra sagittis justo dictum eu.


COUNCILOR FOR AFFAIRS OF ART. Cras sed urna vel urna dictum lacinia a vel mauris. Quisque aliquet malesuada orci, sed consequat orci tempus eu.


COUNCILOR FOR MARITIME AFFAIRS. Donec mattis odio in urna commodo, quis interdum lorem congue.


COUNCILOR FOR MATTERS OF DEFENSE. Vivamus a gravida metus, ut tincidunt mi. Nullam sagittis nibh eros, viverra sagittis justo dictum eu.


GUARDIAN OF THE SPIRIT LAKE. Cras sed urna vel urna dictum lacinia a vel mauris. Quisque aliquet malesuada orci, sed consequat orci tempus eu.

Shukhran Anukis

SCRIPTURALIST. Donec mattis odio in urna commodo, quis interdum lorem congue.

Code by Aurorean