ToMa Gang


"Down with the porcelain reign!"

About the ToMa Gang...

The ToMa Gang (short for Toto makariri, meaning Cold-blooded Gang) is a union of reptilian dolls who oppose the sole rule of pure porcelain. Its founder and leader, Dai Chiaki, along with his right-hand man Naomichi, established a small crew some time ago, which is now rapidly gaining new followers. Even dolls without reptilian features are no longer uncommon in the association.
Initially insistent on rights, Dai became increasingly fanatical about his goal with the growing number of his followers, and through his now ruthless ways, he propelled the gang to great influence, even beyond their territory. While conflicts within the gang may not be rare, ToMa generally sees itself as a family, focusing heavily on unity and mutual support, besides overthrowing lords as its main objective.
If a member has a personal problem, they will be helped, no matter what. This mutual support among mostly outcast dolls can be crucial in convincing dolls to join ToMa, even if the goal of "Down with the porcelain reign!" is not as important to them.


Dai Chiaki

LEADER OF THE TOMA GANG. Founded ToMa to fight against the aristocratic regime.


SECOND HAND MAN. Helps Dai with all sorts of things and is loyal to him to the core.

Kenzo Ren

TOMAS ACCOUNTANT. Was saved by the leader Dai after his abduction.


NEWCOMER IN TOMA. Ostracized because of their appearance, she found new support in ToMa.


VETERAN IN TOMA. Is drawn to adventure; wherever there is trouble, he is also there.


SETTLED INTO TOMA. Supports the motto and wants to be part of the implementation accordingly.


SETTLED INTO TOMA. Stumbled in accidentally and stayed.


SETTLED INTO TOMA. A fallen mistress, who followed rumors about a group of 'Porcelain Haters' and joined them to seek revenge against her own kind.


NEWCOMER IN TOMA. Because of his curse, he preferred to join a friendlier group before someone else could catch him.


NEWCOMER IN TOMA. Loves chaos and followed Niles into the ToMa gang after achieving her initial goal.

Code by Aurorean