• Are Corporites free to make?

Yes! We are an open species community.

  • Is there a Discord/Other socials?

Not yet! If there becomes a need for a discord server, then we will look into making one.

  • How do I approve my MYO?

Please follow the form in the "Masterlist" bulletin! It's linked in the world page.

  • Will there be moderation applications?

Likely not, but if there is a need for more help then I will reach out with a bulletin!


Rules and regulations.

  • Do not start or instigate drama in the species.
  • Do not talk about/mention other species in the world, this is not a drama site.
  • if you intend on making a "knockoff", please do not tag it as such. We don't mind inspiration off of the species!
  • You must be OVER 13 to join.
  • You MUST update staff about trading/selling/gifting your MYO!
  • Corporites cannot be based on real people/copyrighted media. Tracing and heavy referencing is also forbidden!