About Dropzilla

dh1x8ud-1e3599c7-0414-498e-8e8c-19d94212About Species - DROPZILLA



About Specie

"The old Tales tell about old gods and their empty world. A lonely quiet world where some primordial beings were resting before an invasive seed had spread in that dark world and created everything known like a type of pest fastly invading, using the power of one of these gods as base and stealing it. A story long ago forgotten and erased but many fragments of it can still be seen even today."


Basic Guides:
Traits & Mutations | Godly TraitsSubspecies


In this world, the magical power flows inside everything and everyone, through the Yggdrasil that acts like a brain, commanding functions to everyone in the world since the time it stole the creation's power. Every tiny life is showered with magic in their essence, a jewell shaped crystal that stores all the important aspects of their existence so, when they need to reborn, they will always be themselves because their essence is always preserved in the very deep of their souls. With this, starts the Dropzilla species—The creation of the childish yet kind, Goddess of Redemption, known as "The Queen".

Many gods had born after the primordial ones, representing many aspects of the world and, between them, "The Queen" had born—from the strong fraternal love and the power of the darkness combined. A soul that had been consumed in the emptiness of the world and had been brought back by her strong love. After that, she could understand that a new type of life could come from the darkest moments and then, had the idea of creating The Dropzilla.

They're made of souls who had died in deep despair and had a strong wish of not wanting to lost themselves in pain, a homemade Jelly to wrap their fragile exposed essence and a bit of the darkness to crystalize around it as a shell to recreate the original shape of a soul in this world. After that being set, the Dropzilla turns into a gooey void-black slime, a roundy and small creature, who feeds from affection and all types of love, using it as essence to live and try again to find a happier way.


When they had stored enough affection they turn into a reflection of themselves, using their memories, so they get an humanoid body where the dark jelly on their previous bubble form turn into the Dropzilla traits in their new form. They can have many forms and aspects, since their appearances are a reflection of their memories and mind, but they're usually humanoids. They never grow old(besides that, old dropzilla had be seen because their own memory reflected them that way but still they don't get any older than their own memories.Some dropzilla can even grow from babies to  adults but when arriving at adulthood they stop getting older most of the times) and are almost imortal, but they can change their aspects as much as they wish, backing to cafe for the transition or asking the queen herself. 

Their memories that form their past usually are really strong and reflect on them as a type of "theme" or "job", it's common for a dropzilla to be linked to what they did in their previous life so they have that as their new job or theme too as dropzilla. Even like that, they still search new experiences and new goals in their forms as dropzilla and always try to learn as much as they can with others. Some of them struggle really much to go out of their own traumas and painful memories even in their new lives, but these who never loses hope can find ways to—little by little— go out it and find their new dreams and love again.


" Never is too late to restart. No matter how broken you feel in  moment or how many regrets do you have--you can always try again and do the right thing---'

That's what that person said to me and now it's echoing in my heart." 

                                                                                                 —A friendly dropzilla.





The original form of Drop-zillas starts with a darkness and Jelly made bubble and as they get enough energy and affection, they're able to reach an humanoid body that serves as a sensory organ, capturing love and affection with more efficiency than before.

However, the humanoid body is not an essentially vital part for a Drop-zilla. Being that said, if they suffer a big trauma (physical or psychological ), the original jelly stored in the horns, wings and tail(s) create a new original form, preventing the drop-zilla of permanently die and try again one more time. It also happens when their limbs or organs are damaged in any way since, besides the jelly mimics the original anatomy of their previous species, their humanoid body is made of jelly in essence and it reshapes easily enough together with Queen's magic.

As part of the original jelly, the essential traits of a Drop-zilla has a jelly and soft form, like a gum. Hard enough to looks completly rigid, soft enough to be squishable and to absorve more part of damage.


Some Damages can be observed and analysed through the original parts and each one refers to an important part and how it affects dropzilla in a way.


Important for drops because it controls the dark jelly that makes their body and surround them as more energy they get. Some Drop-zilla have their horns amputee or damaged and it affects very much their control over the Dark Jelly, giving chance of generating "corrupted" traits and affect seriously the confidence of them because of that.

Some drops born without horns, but their tails control the dark jelly in the place of Horns.

One of the current procediments in development is the mechanical prostheses implants of inorganic materials. Depending of how much damaged the horns are and how much it affects the feelings of the Drop-zilla,  the chance of it generates "Jelly petrification" desease is high.



The wings are important for locomotion e are represented in the ribbon that shows, usually, at the base of the tail. The wings are incredibly hard to damage, because-- in addition to being incredibly resistant and having high levels of regeneration, even if the wings get completely amputee by hunters or in eventual acidents, if the little ribbon at the base of tail is intact, the wings will be rebuilt in some time by the own Dropzilla's body.

However, if the little ribbon get hard damaged or amputee by any chance, the wings will start to degenerate in a painful process that makes the drop really ill e can only be healed by Queen.

The cure process is simple: The Queen gets a little ribbon- made of cotton or silk- and dips it in the same jelly that composites the Dropzilla, and then, with her power she makes a type of graft, positioning the ribbon in the tail- at the base or at the point, depending where it was previously- and in some days, the tail absorves the ribbon and create a new one, getting a little scar in it.

dd3pus6-76cc295f-7a74-4e56-af57-33d52355The dropzilla gets a little weak for a certain period, but with rest, good feeding and care, they get back to normal.


 The most important part of a Dropzilla. The tail stores a good part of the original Jelly and is where the most part of the feeding is stored. The tail stores important information like deep memories, essential parts of personality and mind and even job's traits of the Dropzilla. Extremely sensitive but resistant and strong, it can be easily used to attack like a whip or rope, but need to be trained for it or gets uncomfortable to use it for these purposes.

Because it stores the most part of feeding, to analyze the health and the status of a Dropzilla, the specialists analyse the tail. Temperature, texture, thickness and appearance reflects about the status of the dropzilla.

If the temperature is too high or too low, it can be a clue of some deficiency or lack of nutrients from feeding, being able to prevent "Lovesick". The texture can indicates the formation of illness like "Jelly petrification" and "Corrupted" if the tail seems scaly or too sticky. The appearance can indicates problems like sadness and anxiety- a lustrous and pretty tail is a signal of Healthy Dropzillas, opaque and dull is a Dropzilla with a problem to get solved.

The thickness indicates how much feed the Drop-zilla is storing--If it's very thick means that the Drop-zilla is getting a lot of love and is getting fat. Dropzilla usually get fat just on the tail, since their humanoid bodies are just a reflect of their past life. Too slim tails indicates Drop-zillas that aren't getting enough food.

A lot of drops hatch from their eggs already with very thick tails, meaning that they had a lot of care and affection while was inside the egg. Being overweight it's not a bad thing for Dropzilla, so it's not necessary to do a diet or things like that, since as more energy they store, more jelly they'll have in case an accident happens. Usually, too much "Fat" dropzilla starts to have a more "jelly" tail and some pieces starts to drip ( It's the way that the Dropzilla's body finds to remove old and extra energy. Something natural and without any risk)

dd3pusa-b9e5fcf5-fe98-4c89-91f2-cec4256fWhen a Drop-zilla lost the tail, they get completely unconscious at the same instant and the time to replace it without any damage is just a few minutes, 1 hour at maximum, after that the Dropzilla can suffer hard and serious damages that affects their mind and feelings.

The tail starts to melt slowly until it turns into the original Jelly of the drop-zilla, completely liquid, being impossible for the Dropzilla to recover the consciousness and back to the original status, so they keep in the humanoid body in a deep sleep status. In these cases, the own Queen needs to recover the essence of the Drop-zilla through the heart of the humanoid body and rebuilt a new body with the same jelly form they had before so they have a new chance of living.

Usually, the Drop-zilla that passes through it end taking too long to get able to actually restart, because all the issues they had, needing to be repaired in their deep souls by the Queen.



About Jelly

Dropzilla's original form  is created by the Queen with a mix of darkness and a Jelly that is shaped as a bubble slime-like creature with her powers and, when they get enough energy and affection, they're able to reach an humanoid body that serves as a sensory organ, capturing love and affection with more efficiency than before, reflecting his most important memories stories on their Soul essences and that shapes their new lives.

That jelly of their original bubble form, divides itself to create the dropzilla traits (horns, tail and wings) on their new humanoid body and has a consistency of hard gummy, usually with a dark void Color because the original darkness used to form their bodies.

The essential jelly that is previously chosen by Queen as base for each Dropzilla is not randomly picked, in truth, it says a lot about the Dropzila's soul essence and personality. Commonly, it's based on food or fruits- Edible ones-, but some dropzilla can have their base on non edible materials or based on medicine and it also reflects on their own Nature.

—Importance and Uses

It has a lot of importancy on the Dropzilla Jelly since start of their creation, together with Queen's power it represents a sweetness and happiness she puts in each one of them to protect their original essence from their traumas stored in the darkness she used in it so it can help them to go through their fears. It has a lot of meaning in each one of their jellies and their flavors that represent their very own nature.

Some drops have medicinal jellies, other has non edible ones and some have common and usual jelly food. Any of them can use their own jelly as gift for others and their body's fluids(like tears ) have that taste and scent too. Since the Jelly is such an intimate thing for dropzilla, they use it as gift for their beloved ones and to help people, either for healing their bodies or their heart.

When a dropzilla chooses to give it to someone they love, it has the freshest flavor it can be but when it is taken by force or when they're not willing to, it has a faded taste that is way more plain than it is usually.

—Recent Studies

Lately, many studies were made towards Dropzilla's Jelly on the academy and researches of Drop-scientists, revealing that the traits of Dropz are usually black because their own fears and traumas and as more they get trapped on their past, darker it gets because the darkness holding it but that under that black color has lots of colors in unique jelly patterns like candies and desserts. To get revealed their true colors, a dropzilla must feel like they finally managed to move on and achieved their most precious dream in their new life, then, Through the primordial Queen's blessing ---The dark color of their traits will ease and show their unique patterns hidden by their fears before.


--Even like that, it's said a dropzilla that managed to get their true colors revealed could return to their black voided traits, if they get darkness in their heart once again.

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