Getting Started

Welcome to Smile-Pals.INC! You must be here about getting a Smile-Pal! First off, you start by going into here and ask to make a Smile-Pal! This is your "Myo ticket", they are unlimited, which means you can make as many as you want! Once I have replied to you, that comment is your proof for when you go into approvals to get your Smile-Pal approved! This system is used to make sure nobody makes offensive themes in the specie's name!

Once you have finished making your design, you must go to approvals and fill out the form. Once your pal has been approved, you are allowed to submit them to toyhouse. You must add your Smile-Pal to the world by requesting to add the character! Everyone must do this to have their Smile-Pal be official!

If you have any further questions, you may ask in QNA.