World Map and Locations


🐾 Steel Jungle

 The steel jungle is where humans dwell. It's generally common knowledge that dogs don't step foot there, but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. Just be careful of cars and animal control officers. Who knows though, maybe you'll get picked up and adopted by a nice family...

🐾 Lucky Island
 A small colony of dogs that built a raft system out of logs to reach this island paradise. The island knows no natural predators , plenty of cover under large palm trees and bushes. Its only downfull is theres not a whole lot to eat besides coconuts and fish.

🐾 Lushland Plains
Rolling green grass and plenty of prey, the plains has built a larger colony of dogs that have fashioned buildings out of whatever they can find. The only downside is with plenty of space, theres not much cover therefore you are easier to spot to both predator and prey.

🐾 Whisper Woods
A mysterious and sacred woodland, many dogs have rumoured of spotting will-o-wisps and spirits wandering the forest. With plenty of cover and food to go around, this colony of dogs has grown fast and going strong. Unfortunately where food is, bigger and more fierce predators will lurk.

🐾 Azure Peak
 Up the mountains by the frozen lake is where this colony lays, the pinewoods granting great cover and food is steady. This area is best suited for furrier coats due to the harsh and often cold weather.

🐾 Stardust Desert
A small colony of dogs have managed to make this wasteland home, building a community out of waste and rubble that ends up here. With searing heats, shortage of water and food scarce, this place is a hard area to adjust to. But the beauty of the desert at sunset sometimes makes it all worth it.