Val-Shenn's Bulletins


Posted 8 months, 23 days ago by silverspoon

Please do pardon the dust, we're still setting up all the pages.
But welcome to Val-Shenn!! This is the land of the kematas. Canine-feline creatures with heart shaped noses <3 Kems come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, including some special builds!

We've been an established group for many years, previously on Deviantart before moving to our own site! We are now testing out expansion via!
We were on a semi-official hiatus for a year, but we're back now! And Spooky Day (our Halloween equivalent) is just around the corner!

But, you may be asking, how do I get a kemata? Well! You can our mascot Launch If you want to rake in some rolls and items with him until you're able to purchase a MYO slot with our currency, Opals! BUT! Be aware of this new feature we've just installed... You can now make fandom kems for free! These are kemata's inspired by existing properties and made into a kemata equivalent. You can use traits up to Sacred when making a freebie fandom kem, and will need additional upgrade tokens to make them other builds or use exclusive traits,

For now, feel free to use the Website to do prompts until things are set up on TH, and feel free to join our discord!