Vibrant VALLEY

The Vibrant Valley is an open pride set within the universe of I Hope So, planned on the official Discord. This pride is set in a fictional place, where a river cuts through in front of a distant range, and wooded grasslands follow on the opposite side. The pride was inspired off the tree climbing lions of Tanzania, meaning that many of its denizens do that, naming themselves after said trees and their fruits.

This community is both new and old, in a sense that while the Vibrant Valley has been occupied by a couple generations, their old territory was by many more up until human activity forced the now late king Mapone to lead her pride in a journey for a new home dubbed the Great Travel, where they faced many perils and were chased out many times... yet got bigger than ever as Mapone welcomed travellers in. Their unique skills, alongside this rich history, has made the pride bonded - even when Mapone's self deteriorated to a brain degenerative disease and now her paranoid daughter, Whistlethorn, rules without any intent of letting up on her role. More information about this pride can be found in the mentioned kings' bios.


KING | Whistlethorn

QUEEN | Peach

KNIGHTS | Marula, Ackee, Clementine, Mokala, Root

HEIRS | Whistlethorn never formalizes heirs.

CONSORTS | Papaya (secretly a spy), Honeydew

SQUIRES | Acacia, Mango

SUBJECTS | Bladderwort, Vachellia, Tamarind, Kola, Matoke, Kigelia, Passion

OTHER | Lala (elder), Tornado (jester), Spider (advisor and secret spy), Banana (cub), Pawpaw (cub), Plantain (older cub?)

PAST MEMBERS | Oak (left), Dragonfruit (left), Mopane (deceased), Reed (deceased), Ironwood (deceased), Tangerine (deceased)