

Corruption facility

An infamous research facility is located on Yellow’s colony, Akril 5. It’s a place where corrupted patients receive help or assist with studying corruption. The story’s protagonists work here.


Archive inhabitants

In the depths of the Distant Moon’s crust, a handful of gems sacrificed their freedom in the name of science, history, and order. They are either treated as prisoners or unique novelty among the gem kind.


Mrazka colonists

The facility's supervisor, Uvarovite, partially owns a snowy colony called Mrazka. The second half belongs to Almandine. Unlike most planets, this world is filled with rebellious individuals disinterested in serving their two tyrants.


Earth arc

Here you can find gems who either died during the war or still inhabit the Pink’s former colony. Not all living gems were present during the war.


Rest of Homeworld

With Homeworld’s vastness, there are countless of gems living outside the named folder locations. This is where you can find them.


Noble garnets

Besides the diamonds, Homeworld is led by numerous elite gems called garnets. With their importance, it’s reasonable to give them their own special folder.


Exiled off-colors

A folder for those who ran away, got lost, or were forcefully vanished by the empire. While some remain in solitude, others form their own alliances.

code by rctface