IM CURRENTLY CODING THIS!! Please be patient, so sorry

General Info

  • Harkins are a marine-based closed species created by Biolumine . This means that they cannot be made without an MYO (Make-Your-Own) Ticket. You can look further to see how you can recieve those.
  • They do not belong to a singular world or lore, instead stories being completely up to the owner's imagination,although Harkins do fall into three subspecies: Freshwater, Reef, and Deep-Sea. [More on this in later sections]
  • Harkins can be feral, anthro (furry), humanoid, or monster-esque, depending on what the designer wants to create!
  • If you have any questions, please feel free to DM Biolumine, or go to the Discord and ask in the #qna channel.

How To?

  • How To Get A Harkin

    Harkins can be recieved in several ways. First off is through Adopts, most easily found by joining the Discord and clicking the "Adopts Ping" role. You can also recieve Harkins via trade/sale of previous owners, or through MYOs and Events!

  • How do MYOs Work?

    For Harkins, there are three stages of MYO. Common, Uncommon, and Rare. At this time, the only way to acquire an MYO is through games in the Discord, although we soon hope to branch out to make it easier for those on Toyhouse! With MYOs, you can use traits that correspond to the rarity of your ticket. If you want to learn more about these, please check out the "Myo Information" page-folder in the sidebar of this world!

  • How do I become a Guest Artist? (GA)

    What are guest artists, and how can you become one? Guest artists are designers for the species that have a 1-month term, this means they can create infinite adopts for 1 month, and then new GAs will be chosen! Applications are held monthly (Starting ~1 week before the month ends), and can be located on Biolumine's profile.

In Depth Info

Harkins have OPTIONAL species / world lore. You do NOT need to follow this, feel free to put your Harkin in whatever world you want/create!

Info By Subspecies:

  • Freshwater

    The freshwater subspecies tends to reside in rivers and lakes, and cannot breathe saltwater. They are usually between 4-6 feet tall, and usually have dull/short claws with natural colored bodies. Their traits information can be found in the "Freshwater Subspecies" page folder!

  • Reef

    Reef subspecies tend to live around reefs or shallow ocean waters, they usually have poor dark-vision, and tend to be between 6 and 10 feet tall. They have medium sized, sharp claws, and are usually brighter colors. They are the subspecies that most commonly has pets. They cannot breathe fresh water. More Trait information can be found in the "Reef Subspecies" page folder!

  • Deep-Sea

    The Deep-Sea subspecies tends to live in the deep, dark abysses of the ocean, and are commonly found with bioluminescence. They are usually between 10-15 feet, with long, sharp claws, and dark coloration. They are usually more solitary than the other species. All of their trait info can be found in the "Deep-Sea Subspecies" page folder!

Color & size deviations are completely okay! Please do not mix traits from different subspecies, hybrids are not allowed. You also can decide for yourself whether or not your Harkin can breathe above water, and for what duration :). Again, feel free to dm Biolumine with any questions!



Aliquam interdum sem sit amet justo congue, mattis condimentum tortor elementum. Maecenas quam mi, mollis sed nisi a, egestas sodales sem.

— Character who said quote and/ or context for said quote

Aenean hendrerit vehicula vulputate. Ut commodo orci quis vulputate dignissim. Nam scelerisque at tortor eget luctus. Nullam condimentum dolor suscipit urna volutpat ultricies.

Sed eget odio ut tellus efficitur vulputate eget vel ligula.

Aliquam rutrum euismod ornare.

— Character who said quote and/ or context for said quote

Phasellus mi metus, egestas sed neque nec, rhoncus convallis orci.

— Character who said quote and/ or context for said quote


Sin [001]

Sin is a Deep-Sea Harkin. He does not particularly like people, but somehow has become the best friend of the lively Tropica. He is generally solitary, but will join in on group activities if it makes them happy, or if he is somehow dragged into it. He's secretly benevolent, but has quite the short and firey temper. He has scales like a fish, and is around 15ft tall.

Another question for the character goes here?

Donec tempor dolor vitae eros lacinia pretium. Suspendisse viverra, arcu et lacinia posuere, justo enim interdum tortor, et consectetur augue libero quis dolor. Duis iaculis velit in ipsum vestibulum ornare. Sed facilisis mi tempor sem varius venenatis. Aenean ut rutrum massa. Donec in enim massa. Donec sodales felis id tincidunt auctor. Nam magna elit, pulvinar quis lacus sed, tempus vulputate risus. Proin fringilla consequat iaculis. Donec velit massa, cursus quis iaculis a, fringilla vitae neque. Donec et consectetur tellus. Phasellus molestie, nunc maximus volutpat porta, libero tellus imperdiet justo, sed venenatis mi diam molestie dui. Nunc erat augue, cursus quis neque non, euismod tristique diam.

Tropica [002]

Tropica is a lively, colorful Reef Harkin. They love traveling and meeting new people, and are very outgoing. They love to drag Sin around on their adventures,and make fun of him for his grumpiness and difficult nature. They are around 6 feet tall, which is on the shorter side for their subspecies. They have skin like an eel and need to keep hydrated to survive out of water.

An example for a much longer and perhaps long-winded question goes here? This example is meant to show how the text wraps for a longer question.

Nunc a metus nulla. Aenean leo turpis, euismod facilisis volutpat in, feugiat blandit arcu. Integer condimentum ipsum nunc, a interdum lorem scelerisque a. Vestibulum gravida lorem sed malesuada ultrices. Phasellus id tellus ultrices, blandit dui ac, laoreet ante. Phasellus bibendum mi eget semper sagittis. Proin mauris neque, aliquam quis lacus in, vestibulum cursus massa. Phasellus id fermentum est. Duis ultrices nibh eu urna imperdiet imperdiet. Quisque quis porttitor velit. Maecenas elit justo, malesuada a augue vel, commodo molestie enim. In ultricies odio orci, eget tincidunt risus fermentum ac.


Do I have to join the server have a Harkin?

No! The server is for community-building, events, and MYOs. It is NOT necessary to be in it, but if you want to be more involved in the community, you are welcome to join, we would love to have you!

What can I/ Can't I do with my Harkin?

Design-wise, almost everything is allowed! Any body type, accessories, prosthetics, genders etc. as long as they do not mimic other traits! You are allowed to have things like undead or plushie Harkins, as well as add things like zippers to their design. One thing Harkins cannot have is wings, unless they are like flying fish wings! If you're unsure about something, you can always dm to ask.

Can I void my Harkin?

It depends! If the Harkin was designed by either yourself, just dm the creator and ask. If it was made by someone besides yourself, please contact the owner via discord (porcelainddog) or Toyhouse (Biolumine) with your reasoning of wanting to void + the designer's permission. It's always preferred if a Harkin can stay in the species, but of course we understand that sometimes, people prefer their characters as not CS.

I lost connection to my Harkin, can I sell it?

Again, this is up to designers! Please read your Harkin designer's ToS. Generally, don't sell a design for USD that you have not added worth to, but it is a case-by-case thing. The only solid whole-species rule is that you can only sell your Harkin to someone who also has Toyhouse, for masterlist purposes, meaning no-one offsite can own a Harkin, ty! :)