Deep Sea Traits (Written)

The Deep Sea subspecies (DSS) are the largest of the three subtypes. They range from 10-15ft (3-4.5m) on average, but can be bigger or smaller. They have long, sharp claws and many teeth. They tend to be darker shades of cool colors + neutral colors (black, silver, white). Their back and calf fins tend to be large, with hard spines.

Their current traits are:


Eel Tail (common)
Angler Fish Tail (common)
Lantern Shark Tail (common)
Isopod Tail (uncommon)
Nudibranch Tail (rare)
Fishbone Tail (Ultra Rare)


Extra Eyes/Mouths (common)
Bioluminescence (common)
Head lure/ Whisker lights (common)
Spikes (uncommon)
Body Transparency (Uncommon - Can occur anywhere on body)
Tentacles (Rare)
Nudibranch Antennae (Rare)
Exposed Bones (Ultra-rare)