Under The Sun

Let the stars hear your final words.

When the sun comes crashing down, where will you hide?

After finally being apprenticed, Mothpaw is ready to impress his uncle, the deputy of Salamander Syndicate, Ospreyfeather. Everything seems to take a quick turn for the worst as both Ospreyfeather and Bluebellstar are decleared dead. Egretface, the healer, hurriedly makes an announcement saying that the stars believe the new leader should be... Aloespark. He's widely considered a charming yet brutal cat, not one to care for others feelings. Why would their ancestors pick him of all cats..?

Distraught by their uncles death and confused by their new duties as on apprentice, Mothpaw is unsure where to go from here. Despite the blinding light that usually coats the desert when it's day, the sun has seemed rather dim after the past few days.

Purpose: worldbuilding project & webcomic
Genre: low fantasy / mystery
Membership: closed / friends only
Content Warnings: animal death / injury, war, slight politics, child endangerment, child death


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Crow: Owner/Creator ✦ Any pronouns. Feel free to message me with any questions/concerns about anything ever
Name: role
Name: role
Name: role