Another setting where it's modern day and humans and anthropomorphic animals roam the Earth. This one has a bit going on, so I'll have to go into more detail in text posts. But the short of it is this: 

Gastenworth is a fictitious location in the UK, which is governed by magic. Its purpose is to provide a home to those who've been struck by supernatural ailments, such as lycanthropy or vampirism, or some other kind of wild curse. The modern world isn't equipped to help, or properly judge, people with these kind of things, but in Gastenworth they are protected - they are treated as equals. You could say it's a positive version of the SCP, or just Hotel Transylvania as a town. 

Let's see about magically governing some questions here: 


Why Gastenworth? Why the UK? 

Gastenworth is a bit of a silly name in its etymology, coming from Gæstan (To frighten, same origin as "Ghast") and worð (Enclosure), using the naming scheme of an old UK town. The history of Gastenworth is still to be determined but there is an idea there of them once being kind of forced into a gated community, only to eventually make it a good place. 

As for why I chose the UK, I dunno. Seemed cool. I tend to place OCs in decidedly US-like settings since I am a US citizen myself and it's what I know, but I thought it'd give things a little flavor if it was in a different part of the world. 


"Governed by magic"? 

It's a simple way to describe it. There is a connection to the fantasy content seen in Mystala in terms of how magic works, and some species that are used there. While the residents of Gastenworth are almost exclusively modern day people, there is a certain percentage that are essentially social workers from this urban fantasy world. They're chosen for their prowess in dealing with otherworldly things. After all, some of the things considered supernatural to us are commonplace to them. 

One of the benefits of magic is that electricity is generated that way - an infinite resource no one has to pay for. But magic isn't capable of everything, so there are a lot of ailments without a definitive cure - including curses that, by traditional tropes, might have a cure. 


A gated town sounds like it'd be hard to cover up, and also wouldn't they run out of room for people eventually? 

There's a lot of "It just works" here. The exact way this works is also still to be determined, but the idea is that individuals with these ailments are contacted and taken to the town via magic. They kind of exist in a weird space that's not really on the map. I'm admittedly also undecided on this, but I think that they have their own internet, or at least have a strict way of dealing with Gastenworth connecting on the greater internet. At the very least, they have their own local social media communities. 

As for how a place called a Town has so much room... That's on me for defaulting to "Town" to describe it. But maybe there's a little bit of Doctor Who "Bigger on the inside" to this place given what I said about it being in a weird space. I always think of this like, there's always enough room. No definitive size or population count given.