Mystala is a name I give to this setting full of fantasy characters. Specifically, the setting is an urban fantasy, meaning it's modern day but with magic and such. It's as if, at some point long ago, the world of mythical creatures and magic was separated from the non-magic folk, and the two thrives separately. 

Let's cast some questions out there: 


Is this anything like that one book series about the boy who lived?

It's unfortunately undeniable that the book series has influenced me in the past, as this does bare a certain resemblance with the way that the magic world is cut off from the modern world. But I hope that as I expand upon magic, and witches in particular, I can show that I want to do things differently. Especially since my love for that book series was tainted by the type of person the author turned out to be. 


Why the name Mystala? 

To be honest, the name is a little homage to the game Myst, which was chosen based on some very early ideas I had for the setting that may or may not stick around. I think that Mystala in particular refers to the town that the characters come from. 


What kind of people are in this setting? 

As noted at the start, magic folk only. I decided that, like my other character settings, humans and anthropomorphic animals are a thing, but in this case the only ones that exist are magic-users. Largely the setting would consist of, well, anything - elves, goblins, cyclopes, dragons, most likely ANY fantasy creature. I don't dabble much in this setting so anything goes. 


Ain't there magic in another setting? 

Indeed, that'd be Gastenworth, which is meant to take place in a regular modern setting. There are in fact species in Gastenworth (specifically workers and authorities) that are related to this urban fantasy setting. It's no coincidence!