aka Spirit Wolves // SW

In the Svendari System, eight habitable planets hold diverse civilizations and unique species. Travelling between these worlds became possible during the Evolution Era, allowing each world to grow and fall under the same time system that the planet Vician uses.

There are many different species in this system, the main four are elabysk wolves, alatryx wolf, elbyst deer, and altrav dragonbirds. As the eras went on, the afterlife went from trapped souls in the elabyskian era to the creation of the Realm of Souls made by the Ancient Two in the Evolution Era.

The gods, known as the Ancient Two, had drastically changed the worlds by creating Protectors and Guardians. Protectors, eternal beings with occassional dormant periods, guard powerful crystals across planets. Guardians, aligned with elements, defend worlds wearing these crystals.

In three eras -- Elabyskian, Evolution, and Spiritual -- species evolve, realms form, and the Ancient Two have a lasting influence over Svendari.

System // Worlds

Among the Svendari System, there are many planets. However, only eight of them are habitable.

Svendari Prime is the star in this system, it is fairly similar to Sol. The most notable difference though is the lighter colour and slightly larger mass.


Sfälctum, Lux, Vician, Saltu, Vattqua, Tempäszder, Fjelln, and Criaskrolum.

In modern times, all civilization follows Vician's calendar. It has about 22 hours in a day, and 414 days in a year. However, far back in the Elabyskian Era, civilizations would follow the calendar of their respective planet or did not have a calendar at all. Some people still do this, however it is becoming more and more rare to find anyone who does not follow Vician Time.

Själenssfär, Kela, Strovda, and Yltki Själenssfär is not quite habitable by living organisms, however myths began during the Spiritual Era claiming that the location of the Realm of Souls was on the surface of this planet, while the location of The Void was deep in the core of the planet.

During the Evolution Era, a system was created that allowed for anything to travel between worlds.

While there are many different species on these worlds that you wouldn't find on Earth, there are four in this system that are mainly focused on.

There are many species here that you can find on Earth, though they may be slightly different to adapt to their respective worlds.

Existed during the Elabyskian Era and early Evolution Era. They later evolved into Alatryx Wolves. While they were all generally the same species, many had different traits based on what world they lived on. Some usually separate these traits into different "types" of elabysk wolf. They had large canines that protruded from their mouths, extremely tall (average: 16-18 feet tall), and very long lifespans (average: 120 years)

Existed during the Spiritual Era and late Evolution Era. They evolved from their ancestors, the Elabysk Wolf. The traits of each world began to mix as travelling between worlds became more common, and generally those traits became rare overtime. They had large canines that sometimes protruded from their mouths, very tall (average: 10-12 feet tall), and long lifespans (average: 100 years)

Existed during all eras, didn't change much overtime so they consistently stayed as one species throughout the eras. They can speak telepathically to anything and create sounds in the minds of others. They can speak to relatives at any distance, but otherwise others need to be in a certain "hearing range" to receive the telepathic messages/sounds. They have 3 pairs of legs, 2 tails, and different traits depending on their gender. Females have sharp antlers, light fur, and black eyes whilst males have round antlers, dark fur, and white eyes. They are extremely tall (average: 24-26 feet tall) and extremely long lifespans (average: 150 years) They live on most of the habitable planets except for Sflälctum, Vattqua, and Tempäszder.

Existed during all eras, didn't change much overtime so they consistently stayed as one species throughout the eras. Very complex species, best way to describe without images is and through text is "snakes with wings split into magnetic parts, aka wonky dragon". The description will make more sense when you actually see one, that's the best I can do in text though. Can be any size and length. They have eyes as cubs, but those are slowly shut closed as they grow older and are "replaced" by the sensors that grow from their chins. Their skin is like stretchy glass and the "inner" parts are like magnets that connect the body together. Pulling the body too close to itself can shatter their body, and is found to be one of the most common reasons for death. Unlike the other species listed here, they cannot communicate through speech. Their vocals are very reverberated, and they can imitate the sounds of any bird as well as make dragon-ish noises. They are extremely rare to find, but can commonly be seen with Elbyst Deer. Unknown lifespan, though a common myth of them is that they can live eternally (unless killed by predators).


Currently, there are 3 recorded eras:

The Elabyskian Era started in the year 0 and ends in the year 3321. The previous era is unknown, but it is succeeded by the Evolution Era.

The Evolution Era started in the year 3322 and ends in the year 4594. It takes place after the Elabyskian Era, and is succeeded by the Spiritual Era.

The Spiritual Era started in the year 4595 and ends in the year 9637. It takes place after the Evolution Era, however the era that takes place after is unknown.

The afterlife in Svendari changes throughout the eras, and there are many different kinds of souls.

In the Elabyskian Era, those who died were trapped near their place of death. They wear their own skull on their head and their eyes are completely covered in shadows, making it difficult to see any emotion on these souls. They are entirely filled with hatred and negative feelings. Especially those who were murdered harbor a strong desire for revenge against their killer. These souls are called trapped souls, they can only completely be seen and communicate with Soul Guardians. Yet, those with abilities like mediums, psychics, witches, etc. can catch glimpses of them or sense their presence.

At the start of the Evolution Era, two wolves named Obsidian and Quartz died in a tunnel filled with powerful crystals. They were wounded and impaled by parts of the crystal as the tunnel system collapsed on them, they both ended up dying at the same time. These crystals caused their souls to enter a new afterlife. Being the first ones there, they gained control of this realm and were considered gods. Together, they are referred to as the "Ancient Two". Unlike trapped souls, these two were not completely consumed by feelings of hatred and anger and they only wore half of their skull on their face.

The Ancient Two had created many things during this time, but they mostly maintain how the new afterlife works, which is also known as the "Realm of Souls". There are many roles and ranks that a soul can be once they reach the afterlife, in depth explanations and lists of characters in each rank can be found here. However, there's another type of afterlife where trapped souls still exist. Instead of being trapped near their place of death, they are sent to The Void. New trapped souls are rare, however souls can be sent here if their soul was not collected after death or if they are deemed unworthy of the Realm of Souls. (Think of The Void as a kind of hell in this universe.). Both of these afterlife places exist during the rest of time.

Upon gaining power, the Ancient Two crafted numerous creations.

Among their first creations was a system of tunnels connecting different worlds. They had also taken some of the remaining parts of the powerful crystal and sent them to every single world. These crystals had taken the shape of a 4-pointed star, and overtime their power had shifted to match the element of the world they were in.

Each crystal that was teleported to a place by a cave opening, but each of them had also hit an animal. These animals gained a lot of power, and instead of dying had been given eternal life. These animals were now known as the Protectors, set to take care of the crystals and their owners. Despite their ability to live eternally, there were times when they had used too much of their power and fell into a coma. Sometimes these comas would last only a few days, while sometimes they would last centuries.

The Ancient Two had created the role of Guardians, each Guardian would wear their respective crystal on them and be given power. After this point, new Guardians being chosen would be chosen by the previous Guardian of the same element and would be mentored by their soul. These Guardians were set to protect all of their worlds.

In total, there were eight Guardians: Soul and Spirit, Fire and Flame, Nature and Life, Water and Sea, Storm and Wind, Earth and Ground, Light and Memory, and Dark and Time. All Guardians/crystals had a protector as well, except for the Soul Guardian.

There are two primary languages spoken within Svendari, however there are a few others as well that are not heard very easily. Common (also known as "English") and Svendari are the two most spoken languages. Before the Evolution Era, each world had a more unique language that was spoken, and some do still speak said languages.

Each language has unique symbols as well, however most share letters with Common or have a second form that can be written with Common letters.



A young Elabysk wolf living in the Varaylnd Mountains who set for revenge after the murder of her best friend.


A young wolf who lost his family to an ambush, becoming a Soul Guardian shortly after. On his way to stop a growing empire from gaining the power to manipulate reality.


One of the very few creatures in Svendari to have had visions about the Etheral Being, journaling his experiences of seeing them.




Creator/founder and owner of Svendari.

Created the world of Svendari around 6-7 years ago, back when it was known as "Spirit Wolves". It started out as a comic book and has been revised many times.

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