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sagwa's history is dramatic or whatever etc etc

jJq4QhG.pngyear one
sagwa is founded / ribo begins recruiting members
jJq4QhG.pngyear two
ribo establishes a loose hierarchy as the sagwa begins to grow its influence by committing acts of burglary and creating counterfeit money
jJq4QhG.pngyear three
as sagwa's influence grows further other organizations begin to feel threatened by their presence / they being to evolve to more sophisticated crimes like embezzlement, extortion and stock manipulation
jJq4QhG.pngyear four
following a coup planned by his former lieutenant and several captains, a war breaks out between sagwa and one of their biggest rivals / after sagwa's victory ribo establishes a new hierarchy and promotes a new lieutenant and captains, creating a sense of pride and family within the group as they all begin to work towards ribo's main goal
jJq4QhG.pngyear five
sagwa rises to the height of its influence, dominating their territory and easily managing all surrounding territories and groups / the higher ranking members have all become very wealthy and have begun establishing important connections throughout the continentÂ