🧊Genitals and other (18+)🧊

This page is a Work In Progress.

Genitals and other (18+!)
Anatomy | ada | Skin | Faces | Mating season

BODY FEATURES (18+ info)
Do NOT interact if you under 18 y.o. please!
All you need (if you under 18) to know from that page are:
● Octolotles are NOT mammals! So they don't have nipples and other mammary glands!
● Octolotles are hermaphrodites
● About children - female begin spawn caviar while male cover it with milk (it can be one creature doing both cause thet hermaphrodites). In one round they do 100 to 500 eggs but almost of it will be eaten by carnivores (sometimes Octolotles ARE this carnivores)
That's all for users under 18+. DO NOT scroll through the article below if you are underage

!A little bit about the reproductive system!
It can be almost any shape (within the bounds of reason) and with any growths on it (examples on the reference).

Mutation is if the "organ" is forked (normally there is only one)