Sugarlops Shop

Sugarlop Shop

Here are the official Sugarlops items that you can purchase with Sugarcubes. Please comment on this bulletin to make a purchase, or purchase an item in the discord server!


Regular MYO Slot

Price: 200 Sugar Cubes

Description: Lets you acquire 1 Regular MYO Slot

Hot Chocolate

Price: 50 Sugar Cubes

Description: Regular trait update, allows you to add traits you didn't have before onto your Sugarlop! Regular traits only, does not allow a complete redesign

Buffet Ticket

Price: 135 Sugar Cubes

Description: Want to make extreme changes to a design? Want to scrap an original idea for a new one? Buy a buffet ticket here!

Mystic Parfait

Price: 175 Sugar Cubes

Description: Allows you to add up to 2 individual Mystic traits to your design, updated or new. (Example: jam filling ears with clouds floating around the lop.)