

Locations of the world.


The City of Pride

  • Genre: Fantasy
  • KEYWORDS: Castle Town
  • AESTHETIC: Gold & bronze, the sea, high towers, lanterns at night


  • Port city near the northernmost end of the country of Eglesh.
  • Surrounds Castle Gloriana, where the King lives.
  • Most of the city is clustered around the north coast and the outskirts of the castle walls.
  • Near the city center is the Shimmering Market, a sprawl of shops where many merchants sell their wares.
  • Located in a lush, green part of the country. There are a variety of tree, bush, and flower species surrounding the city and growing in its gardens -- many of them edible. There is also wild space backed against two sides of the castle: the King's hunting grounds.


  • Gloriana is the largest city in Eglesh, with a massive population.
  • There is a large middle class, populating most of the city. The wealthiest people live nearest to the castle, while the poorest people live toward the outskirts of the city.
  • Communities often form around the neighborhoods people live in. In a city so large, one's neighbors are likely to be the only people one sees often enough to recognize, and in general people are not afraid to ask their neighbors for help.
  • The main thoroughfares of the city are well-lit at night, but the dark areas are risks for crime.


  • Cras vehicula sapien vitae mauris vestibulum porta.
  • Maecenas nec velit tincidunt, posuere nulla nec, mollis nisi.
  • Vivamus pellentesque purus eget nibh lobortis, eget placerat neque imperdiet.
  • Aliquam a velit sit amet nisl elementum scelerisque in et nisi.
  • Nullam et turpis luctus, egestas ante id, varius sem.


Residents of Gloriana, the capital city of Eglesh.

Castle Gloriana

The Seat of the King

  • GENRE: Fantasy
  • KEYWORDS: Home of the King
  • AESTHETIC: Gold & bronze, high towers, lanterns at night


  • The castle is decorated in decadent reds, browns, and golds. Most of this work was not Vainglory's responsibility, but was present when they became King. That said, they do like it.
  • There is enough space in the castle to house the entire government; not everybody chooses to live there.
  • The King sleeps in the highest tower. Their room has a balcony, custom windows, a large closet, and a dumbwaiter that goes all the way to the bottom of the tower for meal delivery.
  • The castle itself is built against the city of Gloriana, which reaches all the way up to its walls. Behind it, there is a large stretch of wilderness: the castle's hunting grounds.


  • A number of the governing authorities in Eglesh live in their own castle suites, making it nearly impossible to walk through the castle without running into an official of some kind.
  • A number of the country's nobility also reside in the castle, typically as long-term visitors from more remote manors in the country.
  • Servants, knights, and workers have their own quarters. They are, for the most part, modest but nice places to stay. The King had them renovated when they came into power.
  • The castle often hosts parties for nobility & government officials, though the King -- who ostensibly chooses to host them -- is famously indifferent to them.


  • Cras vehicula sapien vitae mauris vestibulum porta.
  • Maecenas nec velit tincidunt, posuere nulla nec, mollis nisi.
  • Vivamus pellentesque purus eget nibh lobortis, eget placerat neque imperdiet.
  • Aliquam a velit sit amet nisl elementum scelerisque in et nisi.
  • Nullam et turpis luctus, egestas ante id, varius sem.

Castle Gloriana

Residents of Castle Gloriana, the home of the King.