Tarot Cards


A small gallery of tarot cards on display.

Reveal Card Meanings

9 of Swords

negativity . despair . isolation

The Nine of Swords represents an obsession that brings nothing but despair and heartache: negative thoughts that keep one up at night, narrowing one's focus and isolating them from the people around them.

3 of Swords

heartbreak . sorrow . loss

The Three of Swords is pain, grief, and heartbreak. It is hurt, betrayed, and sorrowful; it is also an emotional release. Hope is not lost; this pain is cathartic, or it will lead to something better in the future when it passes.


law . consequence . integrity

A symbol of truth, law, fairness, and the inevitable consequences of one's actions. This card is a reminder that all choices steer one's life; all actions lead to reactions; all things that happen now are the result of actions taken before.

Directory HTML by Pinky

Tarot Cards Code by James_William_Novak