

Stickfigures: They're the primary residents of the world, sort of like the main characters in this grand story, not really actually... They may or may not have any clothes on.

Object Heads: You'll mostly see TV-Heads in this world. They are the ones capable of working on the technology that this world has today.

Humans: Humans live side by side with the stickfigures, adding their own flair to the mix. They're a bit of a minority compared to the stickfigures, but they're always busy exploring, learning, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in this world.

Animals: From tiny insects buzzing around to majestic dragons soaring through the skies, animals are everywhere in here. They're not just background characters, though; they play a crucial role in keeping the ecosystem balanced and vibrant. Some are friendly and helpful, while others are a bit more... unpredictable.

Monsters: Monsters aren't your typical neighbors; they're creatures born from the wild and mysterious parts of the realm. Some are absolutely frightening and diabolical, while others are more elusive and cunning.

Note: They can fuse with other species. For example, a stickfigure that's also a werewolf. Take Harley as an example! (Shoutout to the owner of this character!)