The Basics

The story revolves around...

The main character, James, and his friends! Why them though? Perhaps there was something special about them, something that caught the eye of ❄︎♒︎♏︎ 🕈︎♋︎⧫︎♍︎♒︎♏︎❒︎Perhaps it was their unwavering courage in the face of adversity, or their unyielding determination to protect their loved ones. Whatever the reason, their journey was about to take on a significance beyond their expectations.

At the dawn of time...

This world was called the "Aeonian Realm". Simply because no one had ever witnessed its beginning or end. Legends whispered of its origins, lost in the mists of time. Some said it was birthed from the cosmic chaos, while others claimed it was crafted by the hands of divine beings. But regardless of its creation, the Aeonian Realm stood as a bastion of mystery and wonder. This is oddly familiar, isn't it? It's almost like it's our world, but different.


Timelines & Alternate Universes...

In the depths of the Aeonian Realm, remnants of a long-forgotten catastrophe lingered in the form of a rip in the fabric of reality. Ages ago, this tear had allowed malevolent entities from distant realms to breach the barriers separating dimensions, unleashing chaos upon the once-stable timelines.

Though the rip had long been sealed, its effects endured. Through the residual rifts, creatures from other worlds continued to slip into the Aeonian Realm, their arrival heralding danger and destruction. These interdimensional invaders, fueled by primal instinct and unchecked aggression, preyed upon unsuspecting inhabitants, leaving devastation in their wake.

To this day, the "heroes" of this world continued their tireless vigil, their deeds etched into the records of history as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. For as long as the rifts endured, they vowed to defend their world against all threats, no matter the cost.



Death was not merely the end of life, but a transition into the unknown. When a mortal breathed their last breath, their spirit departed from the physical realm, guided by the currents of the ethereal plane.

For some, death was a peaceful passage, a journey into the embrace of the afterlife where they found solace and rest. Their spirits found sanctuary in realms of light and tranquility, where they were reunited with loved ones and ancestors who had gone before them.

However, for others, death was not so kind. Those who met their end with unresolved conflicts or unfulfilled desires often found themselves trapped in the limbo between worlds, their spirits lingering in the Aeonian Realm as restless shades.

In this liminal state, these lost souls were vulnerable to the influence of dark forces, their essence twisted and corrupted by the shadows that lurked in the depths of the ethereal plane. Some became malevolent spirits, haunting the living with their torment, while others were drawn into the service of nefarious entities, forced to do their bidding for all eternity.

Yet, even in death, there was hope. Wise shamans and skilled necromancers wielded the power to commune with the spirits of the departed, guiding them to find peace and closure. Through rituals and incantations, they bridged the gap between the mortal realm and the afterlife, offering solace to the souls who had lost their way.

Honestly, it's just Heaven and Hell, but different to some extent.


The World's current state...

In the ever-evolving tapestry of the Aeonian Realm, change was a constant companion. As the ages passed and civilizations rose and fell, the realm underwent a transformation unlike any before.

Now, this world stood as a beacon of progress and innovation, its landscapes dotted with gleaming cities of glass and steel. Advanced technology had become an integral part of daily life, with robots and artificial intelligence shaping the fabric of society in ways both wondrous and profound.

Gone were the days of mythical creatures and ancient ruins; in their place stood towering skyscrapers and bustling metropolises, where the hum of machinery and the glow of neon lights filled the air. It was a world where the boundaries between magic and science had blurred, giving rise to marvels that once seemed unimaginable.

Yet, amidst the marvels of technology, echoes of the past lingered, reminding the inhabitants of the Aeonian Realm of the trials and triumphs that had brought them to this point.

That seems to be it for this page! Hopefully it makes sense, lol.