
𑁋 Grace of the Night Sky 𑁋

passion night arcane trust

Enderia was one of three child gods, each connected by passion expressed in their own unique ways. She is the secondborn of The Divine Trinity, and was the lead of The Celestial Court.

Known well by her people as Calm and Responsible, yet prone to being extremely emotional, she is a being of compassion to those who worship her.


Divine Stance 𑁋

Current Vitality: Alive (Banished) || Unhealthy

Realm of Divinity: The End

Symbols of Divinity: Nothing here yet.

Divine Rank: Child God, Major God

Style of Worship: Rituals, Prayer

Divine Worship 𑁋


Animals and Mobs: Cats, Undead, Aquatica

Colors: Purple, Silver, Grey

Gemstones and Metals: Lapis, Silver, Aquamarine


Animals and Mobs: Birds, Guardians, Spiders

Colors: Pink, Yellow, Lime

Gemstones and Metals: Netherite, Iron, Gold


Nothing here yet.

History 𑁋

Black Dragon: History || Years Undescribed

Enderia was calm and collected under any circumstance, making her the best fit for organization and preparation. Among her siblings, she took on the most responsibility, handling tasks with precision and efficiency. Despite her seemingly stoic exterior, Enderia's passion burned fiercely within her, especially when it came to her deep-seated belief in the value of every life. One of Enderia's defining traits was her deep-seated belief in the potential of every individual. She saw greatness in every person and believed that no loss was worth sacrificing the lives of many. Her compassion knew no bounds, and she advocated tirelessly for the right of all beings to live and prosper. Her dedication to protecting and cherishing the world's races and places was unmatched.

Enderia shared a special bond with her brother, Izacarkus, spending countless hours together exploring the world and forging a bond that seemed unbreakable. However, her relationship with her sister was strained, a fact that weighed heavily on her heart. Every day, Enderia felt a lingering regret about not spending enough time with her sister. This painful regret reached its peak almost daily, but, even when she spared the time for Nyxil, she did not seem pleased enough to pay her any mind. Nyxil, day to day, manipulated her into believing that she was their mother's favorite, and that her younger sister could never be happy because of her, causing Enderia immense guilt and anguish. This false belief, fueled by Nyxil's lies, tore at her heart every day, eroding her sense of self-worth. And, soon after, her world shattered. With the death of her niece, and the exiling of her brother, she lost any real bond she had to others. She could not stand to hear her mother’s woes about her brother, could not bear to hear the cries of despair from her sister, and could not believe what her brother had done. In a moment of desperation, wanting to escape the torment of her thoughts, Enderia isolated herself from the other courts. She refused any visitors, shunned away her scribe, and wept for her brother, niece, and sister.

Yet, when her sister came, she dragged Enderia by her jaws to the midst of her court. Nyxil declared her a traitor to the Aethens, revealing she was behind the murder of Eden, conniving with their brother to rid the world of “a monster”. Despite her best efforts to plead with her citizens, the cries of few were overtaken by the cries of many, and thus, the Golden Court, the Diamond Court, and the Celestial Court had its first trial. The Blazing Court did not attend, still mourning their loss. She scolded the courts and divine for believing in this, as she mourned for Eden just as much as anyone else. However, Nyxil’s charm had already set the stage for what was to come. She realized only as her mother quietly condemned her that she had been framed, and so had her brother. She was sealed away by her sister with 12 eyes of ender, enchanted with the elements of the world, forcing her into what was once a jungle of immortal life, The End. Once she realized she was trapped, she ventured into the void, seeking solace and escape from the pain of her betrayal. Her sorrow turned to rage, corroding the life of The End, and forming the most powerful elemental known to mortals, The Ender Dragon.

Black Dragon: Era One || 4106 - 4106

Nothing here yet.

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