
𑁋 King of the Eternal Flames 𑁋

passion fire challenge victory

Izacarkus was one of three child gods, each connected by passion expressed in their own unique ways. He is the oldest of The Divine Trinity, and was the lead of The Blazing Court.

Known well by his people as Cold and Logical, yet prone to being snarky and crude, he is a being of glory to those who worship him.


Divine Stance 𑁋

Current Vitality: Undead || Phantom

Realm of Divinity: The Nether

Symbols of Divinity: Nothing here yet.

Divine Rank: Child God, Major God

Style of Worship: Sacrifice, Ritual, Trial

Divine Worship 𑁋


Animals and Mobs: Pigs, Unholy, Creepers

Colors: Red, Brown, Black

Gemstones and Metals: Netherite, Gold, Emeralds


Animals and Mobs: Aquatica, Rabbits, Cows

Colors: Pink, Purple, Yellow

Gemstones and Metals: Diamonds, Silver, Redstone


Nothing here yet.

History 𑁋

Black Dragon: History || Years Undescribed

Izacarkus was always headstrong, snarky, and had a fiery temperament. Despite his struggles with communication and his tendency to be heard as angry, there was a complexity to him that few could comprehend. His difficulty in connecting with others stemmed not from malice, but from a deep-seated insecurity, fear of rejection, and desperation of praise that manifested as a harsh exterior. Despite his best intentions, his blunt and often harsh nature drove others away, leaving him isolated and misunderstood. This isolation only served to reinforce his defensive exterior, burying his true emotions and locking away his inner child. As he matured, Izacarkus found solace in his role as a guide to the unfortunate and adventurous. He played favorites with those he saw as brave warriors. In their dreams, he would urge them to push their limits, often leading them down dangerous paths in pursuit of discovery and excitement. This behavior, while well-intentioned, sometimes led to tragic outcomes… Yet despite this, he felt a strange detachment from the consequences of his actions.

It was the arrival of the Piglins, a race gifted to him by his sister Enderia, that sparked a change within Izacarkus. Seeing the world through their eyes softened his rough edges, revealing a kinder, more compassionate side of him that had long been buried beneath layers of defensiveness. Although his acts of kindness were infrequent, they were genuine, especially towards the new race he had helped bring into the world. Thus, as he mellowed, Izacarkus made a conscious effort to improve his communication and temper his argumentativeness. He learned to express his love and appreciation for those around him, though it was a change that came slowly and with great effort. His greatest love, however, came in the form of a mortal—a love that defied the boundaries between god and mortal and resulted in the birth of Eden, the first demi-god. This brought him immense joy and fulfillment, showing him a side of himself he had never known. It was an event that marked celebration in the world, a means to a potential end of the suffering of mortal’s will.

Despite his efforts to improve himself, tragedy struck. One hundred years after Eden's birth, Izacarkus discovered his younger sister committing a terrible crime—murdering his child. Falsely accused of a murder he did not commit, he was banished to The Nether by his own mother, Primordia, who believed her dear daughter's lies over his truth. In a final act of defiance against the brutal and unjust declaration against him, Izacarkus unleashed a powerful curse upon the world. He cast parts of the land into shadow, bringing forth new demons that pulled themself from the hells, and raised the undead from their graves, haunting the land as a reaction to his banishment. Though stripped of his powers and condemned to wander the desolate wastes of The Nether, Izacarkus's curse endures. The nether, once created as a way to prove worth, to challenge mortals, to give wealth to those who try, now exists as a horrifying, gorey wasteland built upon his anguish, and his wrath. The souls of the deserts lay calling to anyone who will hear of those who fell in the realm, the lava oceans burn with the liquid rage of a god long gone, and the blood-red dirts of the land pulsate with flesh that, many believe, is of the lost divine.

Black Dragon: Era One || 4106 - 4106

Nothing here yet.

code by angelsbride icon by makowyvern & druidicmage