
Detherions are a sapient-like species that consist of anthropomorphic animals. Their name derives from a combination of the words demos (the people), and therion (wild beast).


Compared to animals, detherions are far more evolved while still closely related. Though anthropomorphic beings, the appearance of a detherion can still vary wildly because the more distinct features of the animal they're based off on often carries over some way or another (wings, canines, tails, etc). Sometimes they'll evolve to have more color patterns as well. 

Not only are detherions also capable of producing even more genetic hybrids - they can possess their own unique species (e.g. twilight lemurs).

Diet and behavior

Detherions also possess several complex diets. They can range from herbivores and insectivores to carnivores (or man eaters), sanguivores and even omnivores.  They may also range from being diurnal and nocturnal hunters, or even crepuscular.

Because cannibalism is seen as taboo and is illegal in most countries, carnivores are the most complicated out of all hunters. There are two types - independent and dependent.

Independent carnivores can consume any type of meat. Though detherion meat can provide more nutrients and what not, they are able to live a life solely eating animal meat without any consequences and/or side effects.

Dependent carnivores are the most common out of the two types. They must feed off of other detherions. Anyone can be hunted down, but their prey commonly consists of herbivores as they're considered weaker and/or more vulnerable. Animal meat is not enough to provide the proper proteins and/or nutrition, and without detherion meat, they will suffer from protein deficiency. If left untreated, they will start to enter a crazed withdrawal-like state, becoming aggressively violent and hungry until they die. Though medication has been created to help control cravings, it cannot outright rid them of their need for detherion meat.

Wildlife and urban-life

Since the beginning, detherions had lived out in the wild as expected, until they became more advanced enough to form their own governments and build cities. However, many still live out in the wild, thus creating two types of detherions: wild and urban detherions.

As their name suggests, wild detherions live in the wildlife and even function very similarly to animals; their activity during the day and night can vary and are capable of forming their own hierachies (sometimes classified as clans, groups, packs, etc). Functionally speaking, they're a lot like tribes, though not only can behavior and rules differ from each species, but their values as well. Quite often there's a lot of xenophobia between species, whether there's a predator and prey dynamic going on, a rivalry, or anything else that sparks conflict. Plus, they're very territorial and will fight for their land and/or take others.

Urban detherions on the other hand, live out in the cities. Though they may have easier access to food and what not, they become much more vulnerable to violence as well as discrimination due to being lumped in with hunters and other detherions of varying species. They're also just as territorial, which can lead to gangs being formed in order to protect their place. 

Relations between wild and urban detherions have and still are conflicting. Urbans were known for clearing or taking land from various groups and trying to assimilate many wild detherions into their cultures as well, leading to the destruction of many cultures and hierachies that wild detherions have built on for centuries. Not to also mention, they do not take the presence of wild detherions into their cities lightly. Whereas with wild detherions, they view the urban lifestyle as harmful due to how it puts predators next to their prey in the same place, and that often people become consumed in luxuries and politics. It's also why many wild detherions stay in the wild and/or refuse to adapt to the city life.

Culture and society

Even though the wild and urban sides of life are so different, ironically they share a lot of the same ideals and values.

Most commonly shared is the predator and prey dynamic, where predators are characterized as dominant, aggressive, and powerful, whereas prey are weak, fragile and meant to be hunted.

Hierarchies are largely formed around similar ideals, where the strongest must thrive and conquer while the weak die and follow, further pushing this dynamic. This dynamic has both divided and corrupted society for the worse. Most governments and/or businesses get ran by carnivores because they are considered predators; not to also mention, many enjoy entertaining the idea of being considered such. whereas others (most commonly herbivores) will be subject to violence and degradation.  Only in due time would herbivores harbor a strong hatred towards carnivores, even calling them "man eaters". 

In fighting is common among carnivores as many try to subjugate, dominate and compete others for power and prestige. Some may view it as a game or a way of life - others are forced in because they're just trying to survive. 

Crime and corruption also run deep with carnivores. Examples of crimes include cannibalism, gang violence, live feeding rings and the black market. Politicians and streetcleaners (alternatively known as police officers) are also largely subject to bribery and greed. Many herbivores have also formed gangs to fight back and/or take territory from other carnivores, regardless if innocent or not as they may believe any carnivore is toxic by nature.