
The detherion dingo is an extinct canine that derives from an animal of the same name. Though native to mainland Australia, their origins actually trace back to Southeast Asia.





Before their extinction, dingoes were commonly acknowledged as apex predators - they could hunt anyone bigger than them and their status even had a huge influence on predator/prey culture. Dingo governments notably kept this to mark their reputation of being on top.

Behavior and diet:

Dingoes lived in the wild initially just like any other detherion, but when more urban civilizations were being formed, they quickly adapted and never looked back since. Their power and influence grew big and helped advanced most detherion governments into what they are today.

One thing that never changed was their carnivore-based diet. They were by no means dependent, however, aside from being opportunistic feeders, they did not like the idea of wasting detherion meat, and it was also done as a way of asserting themselves.

Their activity during the day was strange and uncommon, as they were neither diurnals or nocturnals. They could either hunt as packs or live alone. They were unpredictable to say the least.


Even though dingoes were recognized for their power, so too were they feared and hated - especially by thylacines. Originally hunting rivals in the wild, their relations then became more strained as dingo governments started forming, as they ran like dictatorships. Not to also mention, dingoes were very conservative about their values and reputation as apex predators, more often than not they subjugated people and foreigners into assimilating within their society, otherwise they'd die. However, with the thylacines they'd fail to do so, resulting in wars and battles that'd persist for decades, up until the genocide of thylacines. 


Though they succeeded in the thylacine genocide, many fought back and as a result, many dingoes were killed. This left their governments more vulnerable than before and as a result, many were able to overthrow them. Though the dingoes were able to produce hybrids with other canines, the number of purebreds out there was down to a single digit.