

StarClan is much more powerful than once believed. Within these lands StarClan is able to change the world and lives of these cats much more than anyone should ever be able to do. The more that StarClan is believed via one of the clans, the more power that StarClan holds over the cats of the clans, for better or for worse.



"To be remembered and believed is power in it's finest form"

—ElpidaClan Overseer

StarClan needs to be remembered and believed in to be able to have any hold on the mortal realm. The more cats who remember and believe them, the more they can do. It's said that there have been times where StarClan cats have been believed in so much that they have been able to walk the mortal realm again. Although to use these StarClan given powers it's taken from said StarClanners and they need to regain it once again.

It's said that StarClan can do anything from form new growth, bring sunlight and the rains, to even blessing the clans with powerful cats themselves. But it's also said that these higher beings are also able to take back from the land, cause disasters and even curse mere mortals.

Just as being remembered and believed gives StarClanners power over the clans and prevents them from fading. The lack of being remembered or believed in, does cause issues for these StarClanners. They aren't able to project themselves to others, even something as simple as giving a prophecy can take up all that they have.



"Leading these lands is too heavy a task to bare alone."

—StarClan's Leader

StarClan is set up with a strict power heirachy. With StarClan's leader at the very top. They have been there since the beginning if StarClan themselves. As the clans and StarClan themselves grew,, as did the need for more to help leasen the load of work overseeing the clans. Thus the Leader granted Three StarClanners the power and rank of Overseers.

Each Overseer is to watch and take control of each of the clans. This is where they are able to siphen the source of their power, via belief and rememberance. The Overseers are the only cats (besides StarClan's Leader themselves) who are able to actually make prophecies, Project themselves, Give blessings and Curses. Etc. For Regular StarClanners are unable to do any of these.

Although it is possible for an Overseer to defy the leader themselves or render themselves too incapable to continue their work. Thus the Leader may end up demoting them or in dire cases sent to the Dark Forest. In these cases it is when the Leader of StarClan will choose another StarClan cat to oversee that clan. In the case of AlethiaClan Overseer, this has happened all too often. But on the other side of things, it's believed that ElpidaClan's Overseer has never once been changed.



"A life is a blessed thing thus any and all must be cherished."

—Some StarClan guy

Upon a new leader taking the helm of a clan, they must be granted their lives. Any leader who makes it to speak with StarClan are met with all the cats they have touched in their life who made it to StarClan. Here they stand trial, where each of these cats will decide if this Leader is worthy of taking their life. For once a StarClan cat gives their life to a leader, they fade away immediately and for good. A leader has a chance of getting up to 9 Lives, although it's been well documented leaders who only get a handful of these lives or even none at all. Be it by not enough cats there to give all 9 lives, or due to these StarClanners simply not wishing to give up their lives for the leader.

To those who follow everyone of StarClan's wills and are fully accepting of StarClan, the life ceremony can be a pleasant and even enjoyable experience. As each life they gain can feel like a cooling breeze, like a mother licking their pelt, or a feather drapped across their face etc. But for those who defy StarClan and Choose to be a thorn in the side of StarClan, rather than not being able to gain these lives, each one comes as a challenge or punishment. Each life can be agonizing to take, like claws raked across your pelt, or an infernal blaze or that you cannot grasp for air, etc. Each step for a leader is a challenge and trial in every rightful way.



"StarClan has no space for imperfection..."

—Some StarClan guy

It's important to note that not everyone makes it to StarClan once they pass over. Those who have lived fully virtous lives and have complied with StarClan themselves will make their way to the eternal plains of StarClan's lands. Here they will reside until the very day they fade away.

Although those who do not follow everyone of StarClan's wishes will be brought to justice and they will be sent to the Dark Forest. This doesn't entirely mean that you lived your life as a bad cat, frankly there are many injustices that have been served to the many that have ended up within the Dark Forest. Many who reside within the Dark Forest seem to be typically normal cats who just lived their lives as best they could, yet were just a little out of StarClan's grasp.

This is not to say that there aren't inherently bad cats within the Dark Forest, there are many cats there, who have done such heinous things to deserve to be there. They are just hidden amongst the many.

Code by Aurorean