The Clans


Within the territories there are three clans, ElpidaClan, StratosClan and AlethiaClan. Each one has grown to become their own. Each with their own traditions and beliefs.



"Put a quote relating to lore here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Upon the moors lives the StarClan fearing ElpidaClan. It has been argued that ElpidaClan was the first and oldest of the three Clans. Often remarked as StarClan's favourites. These cats are well known for doing anything that StarClan asks of them, doing anything they can to simply please StarClan themselves.

ElpidaClan's territory is known for being lush and filled with prey and foliage. Allowing the cats within the clan, to spend more time doing other tasks and hobbies that they would likely end up not having time without. This has allowed ElpidaClan to grow the Rank of Crafters. While the thriving territory seems fantastic for ElpidaClan, it does prove to cause it's own issues, like how they constantly fear that should they do something to displease StarClan, StarClan will take all of the life from their territory.

More to be Added.



"Put a quote relating to lore here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

StratosClan can be described as Elpida's sisterClan. As the first members of StratosClan were previously members of ElpidaClan, who were heretics to StarClan. Many of these cats would do what they could to displease StarClan and speak disapprovingly of them. Eventually the High ranks of ElpidaClan would exile these heretics to the bottom of the mountain where life was tough and the land wasn't lush like they were previously used to. These cats would create StratosClan. They would create a clan where they would avoid the need to seek out StarClan for their issues. StratosClanners typically will only seek out StarClan when they truly believe StarClan could be of some help, but these times are few and far between.

After leaving ElpidaClan, StratosClan went back to the original Warrior code and warrior names and traditions. Removing any aspect of StarClan out of it. Besides from Leaders seeking out StarClan for their lives...should they get any.



"Put a quote relating to lore here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Describe your lore here. Aenean convallis sagittis mauris, et scelerisque tortor accumsan vel. Quisque tempor sed lorem quis pellentesque. Pellentesque eget sem dui. Etiam interdum suscipit nunc in vulputate.

Quisque pharetra lacinia diam, accumsan euismod risus tempus nec. Cras volutpat, tellus ac fermentum ultrices, urna nibh sodales ex, et finibus ligula quam eu diam. Fusce dui eros, bibendum ultricies dui a, viverra feugiat elit. Sed quam lectus, ullamcorper eget tempus ac, pharetra at velit.

Code by Aurorean