The Hunter Kingdom Directory

The Hunter's Lands

(Kingdom of Wulfe)

Demon Hunters live here.

Otherwise known as The Kingdom of Wulfe

The Hunter Kingdom (On Edin)

The residents of Wulfe are called Wulffies or Wulfans

Sekkra is the main hunter city within Wulfe

Closer inland. Surrounded by hills and mountain forests.

Hunters: Hunt in units of 5 per squad, with one or two captains leading the team (depending on the risk)

Governed by Alluh the Queen of Hunters - With family ties to the hunter kingdom on the mainland ‘Heftle’ (mother and father)

Mainly not religious. As it is their code to capture and not kill, the Hellspawn they've questioned over the years has clarified science over belief, allowing them to see the clearer picture, untouched by the Slayer's religious bias.

The Hunter Kingdom is younger than the Slayer Kingdom- it was founded roughly 450 years ago by ex slayers who believed not all demons deserved to die but knew there needed to be some sort of order to their potentially dangerous existence among the people of the land.

The people of Wulfe are known to experience great arthritis and joint issues due to such a mountainous and hilly landscape


Is magic a well-known thing throughout the world, or is it something that's usually kept hidden? If it's kept hidden, why? Is it common amongst the people, or if you have a caste system, is it only available to those of a certain status?

Vestibulum in sem at felis blandit pellentesque blandit vel mi. Quisque at venenatis tellus. In purus turpis, malesuada eget ornare vel, malesuada ac neque. Quisque pretium, mauris nec laoreet tristique, libero risus semper sem, sed finibus lacus magna laoreet turpis. Vestibulum ut est tellus. Nunc tincidunt, sapien ac fringilla accumsan, dui lacus feugiat ipsum, a pulvinar velit elit sed lorem. Duis consequat massa eros, eget vulputate nisi varius quis. Praesent at felis auctor, viverra lacus at, pretium diam. Suspendisse fringilla, nisi eget pretium accumsan, nisl odio molestie velit, eget cursus nunc velit sed lorem. Etiam ullamcorper venenatis tellus. Mauris commodo sem et pretium consequat.

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Is magic a well-known thing throughout the world, or is it something that's usually kept hidden? If it's kept hidden, why? Is it common amongst the people, or if you have a caste system, is it only available to those of a certain status?


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Is magic a well-known thing throughout the world, or is it something that's usually kept hidden? If it's kept hidden, why? Is it common amongst the people, or if you have a caste system, is it only available to those of a certain status?


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Is magic a well-known thing throughout the world, or is it something that's usually kept hidden? If it's kept hidden, why? Is it common amongst the people, or if you have a caste system, is it only available to those of a certain status?


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Is magic a well-known thing throughout the world, or is it something that's usually kept hidden? If it's kept hidden, why? Is it common amongst the people, or if you have a caste system, is it only available to those of a certain status?


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Is magic a well-known thing throughout the world, or is it something that's usually kept hidden? If it's kept hidden, why? Is it common amongst the people, or if you have a caste system, is it only available to those of a certain status?


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Is magic a well-known thing throughout the world, or is it something that's usually kept hidden? If it's kept hidden, why? Is it common amongst the people, or if you have a caste system, is it only available to those of a certain status?

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Is magic a well-known thing throughout the world, or is it something that's usually kept hidden? If it's kept hidden, why? Is it common amongst the people, or if you have a caste system, is it only available to those of a certain status?


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Is magic a well-known thing throughout the world, or is it something that's usually kept hidden? If it's kept hidden, why? Is it common amongst the people, or if you have a caste system, is it only available to those of a certain status?


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Is magic a well-known thing throughout the world, or is it something that's usually kept hidden? If it's kept hidden, why? Is it common amongst the people, or if you have a caste system, is it only available to those of a certain status?


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Is magic a well-known thing throughout the world, or is it something that's usually kept hidden? If it's kept hidden, why? Is it common amongst the people, or if you have a caste system, is it only available to those of a certain status?

Code by Aurorean